Timescale for PIP appeal decision

markp17 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited May 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi does any one know after PIP has been awarded. The timescale to appeal the DWP's decision.
I am in receipt of a lower rate because I didn't score any points. 
My condition is worse now and I have collated information to support my appeal. 
I just don't know if I'm out of time the award was made July 2017.
Some clarity would be very much appreciated. 


  • markyboy
    markyboy Community member Posts: 367 Empowering
    You are to late to appeal but the appeal tribunal would of only looked at your condition on the day you had your assessment
    If you contact the DWP and tell them your condition has got worse they will start a new claim
  • markyboy
    markyboy Community member Posts: 367 Empowering
    Beware the moment you start a new claim your existing one will end and they could stop your money until the new award is completed
  • markp17
    markp17 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Many Thanks for your reply.
    That's flipping typical of our Government no joined up thinking. Surely if i'm in need of my PIP Payment today then i'm also going to be in need of tomorrow too.
    Keep up the outsourcing to Capita who have been caught with their hands in the till more than once.