Lost at tribunal - what can I do? Fibromyalgia

Andicav7 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited May 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hello there,
I am new to all this but would like to see if anyone can give me some advice. I have Fibromyalgia I was receiving the lower rate of PIP for a year. I  have been a lot worse andbapplied for a reassessment in July this year, I then had my assessment in September. I got the decision back and I received less points than before and had my payments stopped.
I put in for a mandatory appeal and lost so I went onto a tribunal appeal. It was one of the worst experiences I've ever had and the medical person spoke to me as if I was a criminal. I have had their decition back and they agreed with the decition of no payments.
I am in extreme pain and need assistance for many things, my mobility is shattered and I can't believe how they can come to a decition I can do everything normal and do not need my payments anymore.
I am in such a state it has affected me so much I am so depressed, I have anxiety too, I use to be fit and active now I'm stuck at home and can't even go out and socialise. Please can someone give me some advice.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Andicav7 Pleased to meet you welcome.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    Sorry what has happened.

    Understand what you are going through as so do the community.

    Understand the team may be able to advise you.  Have you contacted the SCOPE helpline. They also be available to give you support. I would suggest look at our posts for Practical Support and information.

    Please can I add have you seen the information on specific conditions.

    I would also seek support for your mental health and illness.  Understand that might be difficult to do.  Not easy . Yet you have to try to do this.

    Access your GP speak to them and they would help with a range of support services.

    Please take care

  • Andicav7
    Andicav7 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hello @thespiceman,

    Thank you very much for your reply and all you have suggested I will look into that.

    I'm not sure who to get into contact with to get help with my mental health part of all this, but I will also look at the posts for practical support too.

    I really appreciate you replying to me so soon thank you.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Andicav7 Thank you for your reply. Yes to access mental health services may I add you need to speak to GP.

    Other way is to go on line and look for mental health support such as self referral .

    You apply yourself. Either through their on site information. Usually Email or by Phone.

    Understand that if you do this. You will be given some help and support.

    May I add I have done this my self. Suffer from anxiety and depression.

    Sit down with pad of paper . Ask what you wish for the charity you access to.

    Aims and goals that you can achieve comfortably and easy.

    You need to be specific and may I add they are there to help you. You have to realise that you have to also help yourself.  Understand if that is not easy to deal with.

    All mental health charities do assessments how can they help you. Normally interview or by home visit or at their office. All depends what you need.

    Remember they are charities so there is limited funding, budgets and many of the staff are stretched to capacity.

    Also they will give you such support as benefits, helping with assessments interviews.  Anything to do with mental health. That could include looking at sleep, diet, fitness, well being and making sure that you can deal with mental health issues or problems you have.

    Usually coping methods and strategies.

    Finally please make use of the time they give you. That is important because it is limited. I am sorry to say.

    Sign of the times. 

    I hope and wish you the best

    Pleasure to help you.


  • Andicav7
    Andicav7 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I thank you for all your help on that part. 
    I am trying to look for some kind of help with my fibromyalgia which is what I have had my assessment for as I'm in extreme pain and need help through with pip which they said I don' qualify for as I didn' have enough points. I need help everyday from my family I can't drive my car anymore and can't walk very far either. It's so much to deal with everyday being in chonic pain.

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    @Geoark said on a duplicate post:

    Hello @Andicav7 and welcome to the community.

    My understanding is as you have not been awarded any PIP you can reapply any time. Have you checked out the criteria for PIP?


    It is worth going through these and finding out what points you think should apply to you and why. This should be your starting point.

    We have lots of knoweldgable members who will be more than happy to answer your questions