Work coach meeting....



  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Sounds like a productive day to me!! I love the Railway Museum, the one in York?
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    This ones in Preston I've never been. I used to take him to Carlisle Train Station to watch the trains. Saturdays in the morning the steam trains used to stop off and he loved it.☺
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    As you know I've got my health assessment next Tuesday and for the last few months I've been getting chronic pain in my lower back and legs and find it hard to get about. I've been to the drs and had blood tests and an MRI and shows significant damage and wear and tear, but I'm still suffering even more so. I have a new appointment on the 25th, so do you think it would be a good idea to mention about this at the assessment. I do have to use a walking stick when I have to go out. Thank you.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Future appointments are not taken into consideration as evidence because all it tells them is that you have an appointment in the future.

    During the assessment you'll be asked questions based on how your conditions affect your ability to do any type of work. You'll also need to verify what was written in the work capability assessment form.

    Are you taking someone with you? This can help on the day especially with any anxiety you may have. You'll still need to answer the questions yourself but at least you'll have someone there with you.

    Good luck.
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Allo Poppy123456 Thank you for replying, my mum is going to be with me as I won't go out of the house alone cause my Anxiety is so bad so she's there with me. I will be ok answering the questions once I've settled but if I get stuck my mum helps me out. Thank you so much.

    Kind Regards.
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Mill07 said:
    Allo Poppy123456 Thank you for replying, my mum is going to be with me as I won't go out of the house alone cause my Anxiety is so bad so she's there with me. I will be ok answering the questions once I've settled but if I get stuck my mum helps me out. Thank you so much.

    Kind Regards.
    Good luck. Fingers crossed! 
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Thank you all, I really appreciate the help and advice.???
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Mill07, how are you doing today?
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Allo Chloe sorry I've only just got to reply back to your message I do apologise I'm ok thank you been to see my little man today and had a great time with him. How are you? Are you aving a good weekend so far?
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Well its my Health Assessment tomorrow and my Anxiety is going through the roof and making me not feel very well. I'm so nervous and panicking and I know I shouldn't have to but still its making me feel uncomfortable and unsettled, if I'm feeling like this now what the hell am I gonna be like tomorrow. I do have my mum with me but I'm still so panicked.?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    That's perfectly understandable that you're feeling this way, i'm exactly the same with the WCA. For some reason i always find it worse than the PIP assessment. Even those that don't suffer with anxiety get anxious.

    Thankfully you have your mum with you for support. Just answer those questions honestly and hopefully everything will be fine.

    Once you've had the assessment, wait a week then ring DWP to request a copy of the report and this will tell you what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report.

    Good luck.
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Thank you so very much Poppy123456 I know what you mean about the PIP assessment it doesn't seem to be as intense. How long does it usually take to get the decision and is it through the post.?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're welcome. There's no timescales to any decisions and it varies depending on area. Sometimes it's through a letter, sometimes it's a phone call.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Mill07, did your son enjoy the railway museum and steam train? Best of luck at your assessment tomorrow!
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Allo Adrian yes thank you it was a great day think we will definitely do it again. Thank you very much for the wishes I shall let you know how I get on. Cheers Fella?
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Allo everyone just got back from my face to face health assessment it went ok I thought,  but I had to talk about when I tried to commit suicide and other suicidal thoughts and recent thoughts of harming myself. I found that part of it very hard to recollect and explain as it made me feel that I had been weak. I also had to do a short memory test and I failed but other than that it seemed to go ok. Thank you so much guys for your support.??
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Mill07, I'm glad the assessment appears to have gone okay. Don't forget, if you leave it a week, you can call up and request a copy of the assessment report, which should give you some indication of what's been recommended.

    I'm sorry it was hard for you to talk about how you felt in the past. Are you getting much support for your mental health at the moment?
  • Mill07
    Mill07 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Sorry Adrian that I've not replied. I'm not getting any help at the moment as I'm unable to move my life forward at the moment as I'm dealing with a couple of situations I have to get sorted first, but I do have support from my family. I still have really bad days and struggle alot . I've been dealing with Clinical Depression for nearly 2 and a half years and severe Anxiety but I'm trying to rebuild my life but its a rollercoaster at the moment. Thank you for chatting take care stay safe fella.??