I need some help

wheelybabe Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

 Hi am on able to turn on my side and my parents tell me then can I have my bed presents down at night when I need tonight and was hoping that there was a bed out there that could turn me automatically.

At present I live with my parents and they provide my care in the evening and throughout the night. As you can appreciate both my parents are getting older and finding it hard to maintain the level of care I need. 


  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @wheelybabe

    There are automated systems for rolling a person in bed. Google 'patient turning systems' Here are some examples. 




    However, as far as I am aware, such systems are normally intended to be used under the supervision of a carer due to the potential risk of entrapment etc.

    If you intended to have an automatic turning system that you would either operate yourself or have set on a timer, without another person present, then it would need to be carefully risk assessed. It may also be necessary to make adaptations, such as ensuring operating and emergency alarm buttons are accessible to you. 

    Best Wishes


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Hey there

    ?.... (that's me waving ?) 

    There's a group of people at various places round the country who take on these kind of projects. Will have a look and see if I can remember their name. .. 
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @mossycow

    Are you thinking of Remap?


    They will construct/adapt when there isn't a suitable product commercially available.

    Best Wishes


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Aha! Yes, I think so.

    Will be tricky as it's such a health and safety issue, being turned at night  but sounds like it would enable you to have more independence.

    And yeah i think it good to always look to how to do different things, especially as situations change. Wonder if you could look at other ideas too..... Do you have paid carers in at all? But forgive me as my level of understanding of your situation will never be as much as you do obviously.

    That would be fantastic if something could be found to help, best of luck.