questions about review of pip

mnms45 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited June 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
hi , i was just wondering has my pip was up until 2019 but they sent me a review form out and i filled it in and they came to my home to do my assessment i didn't  ask visit my home and maybe because i had my first assessment at home , how.long after my review of the pip.assessment does it take before a decision comes from dwp.? and if so.and it was to to.move up a higher rate would this be backdated from my review form back in April ? thanx for your time and ohh if i have a carer does that have any impact on my review ..thanx for reading .. oh sorry one more is it the health professionals score the points ?   thanx mnms45 


  • aaronw3440
    aaronw3440 Community member Posts: 54 Contributor
    edited June 2018
    Pip doesn't get back dated for those who already claim and get a completely different award than the previous assessment it gets back dated for new claims and those who lost the award and appealed against the decision (my mums got stopped and it got backdated from the moment it stopped ) so if you already an award the new award will not be back dated because you arent entitled to back payment as youre already in receipt of the benefit and currently it's 4 weeks from the day you have your assessment and if it comes back full of lies and it doesn't go in your favour payments will stop from the moment the decision is made 
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing


    Lots of questions, first things first. If you didn't ask them to visit you at home, then it depends how you felt about that - if you would have preferred to go to an assessment centre, & you feel that you would have been able to do so (bearing in mind they are not all accessible), then you could complain, but it may be that having it at home saved you a journey & some stress - it depends on the circumstances. 

    After your assessment, you would expect a DWP decision within perhaps 2 to 4 weeks, but there isn't any official timescale.

    If you do get a higher rate it's unlikely to be backdated, but you could argue that if you indicated that you had got worse on the review form then it SHOULD be backdated. One of the complications is that you need to have been worse for long enough - at least 3 months in the past, and expect to be that bad for at least 9 months in the future. If you think you met those conditions when you sent in the review form, then I think you could argue for backdating to that date because that is when you let the DWP know about the change in your circumstances.

    Re having a carer, no, that doesn't necessarily impact on your points score. PIP is supposed to be about the help you need, whether or not you get that help. Still, if you have a carer & you talked about what they did for you and why, that is evidence of the help that you need and what you can and cannot do by yourself in a safe way.

    The health professionals indicate the points that they think apply, but it's technically the decision makers (at the DWP) who make a decision. However, in practice the decision makers tend to go with what the health professionals have concluded. 

    If things don't go well & your payments stop or are reduced then do challenge the decision as soon as you can, and get a copy of the report to help you do this. 

    Good luck!

  • mnms45
    mnms45 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thankyou so much for your reply its just a waiting game now its been a few weeks now so il just wait patiently ,last time i had a medical i couldnt leave the house so maybes thats why the came again but thanx