my sons claim for pip has gone to audit, why is this and what does it mean

baggsali Community member Posts: 13 Connected
edited June 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I have been waiting 5 weeks from report from capita to dwp rang them today and they have now said my sons claim for pip has gone to audit why is this and what does it mean thanks 


  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    I am not 100% sure it could mean that every so often, so many acessments have to go for an audit where it is looked at to make sure the acessor has carried out the acessment correctly. And that Capita are performing to DWP guide lines? Have tried to request a copy of the acessment report? Takes about two weeks once you have requested it and usually arrives before the award letter.
  • markyboy
    markyboy Community member Posts: 367 Empowering
    All processes of PIP is a waiting game
  • baggsali
    baggsali Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    Yes I’ve receives a copy of assesser report thanks 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Hi, are you 100% sure his PIP report has been sent for audit? You say you've received a copy of the assessment report? Are you absolutely sure?

    DWP will not send a copy of the report out to you until they have received both copies back from the assessment providers. If the report has been sent for audit then it wouldn't have been returned to DWP. Files are chosen at random for audit but this process is done before the report is sent back.

    Something isn't right here. Someone is possibly not telling you the truth, or you misheard what they told you.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Yes indeed "should" i like that one. My PIP assessment was sent to audit and stayed there for almost 6 weeks before being returned back to DWP. Usually they will tell you there's "no time scale" for the auditing process too.
  • baggsali
    baggsali Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    It did go to audit after I had capitas report it’s been 16 weeks I rang today and a decision letter is in the post so just a waiting game now 
  • baggsali
    baggsali Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    I think my sons claim was a bit difficult he was awarded low mobility 3 yrs ago but because he can’t follow and plan journeys someone told me to reapply with a change of circumstance because he should have enhanced the CM actually rang to ask when his condition deteriorated but it was a case of my fault for not submitting enough evidence about his disabilities so because he had a f2f 3 yrs ago he said that he would have to go back and look at report from 2015 because he was wrongly assessed 
  • baggsali
    baggsali Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    Update on my sons award and he was awarded enhanced on both for 10 yrs happy with that outcome even tho people were advising me against asking them to look again at his award