I have suffered long term with depression and anxiety...

Teepee65 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I've been lucky enough to have been awarded Esa for a while but am concerned as I know this is not a long term thing... I have bouts of depression which engulf me.. I worry as I am aware that it affects my ability to do a full time job or anything long term. Has anyone got any advice please. :(


  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    My first reaction is what have you tried to address the depression?  It feels like you are saying it is an inevitability rather than something you might possibly be able to do something about e.g. through counselling, mindfulness, taking up an activity etc - this is my perspective probably partly because I'm a [disabled] counsellor myself.  

    You don't say whether you'd actually like to work or whether you've just written off the idea for some reason - be it potential depression or because of some other reason.  

    Through my jobs I see a lot of people who seem to almost write off their lives because of disability but the way I see it it is because they haven't really had the opportunity to access the right services....  
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 43 Listener
    Maybe try to apply for pip again. 
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    @Teepee65 We all create our own versions of reality, it is inevitable due to our physiology. Of course we share things in common with others so our reality can be affected by the consensus of opinion. Nevertheless we have this innate ability to affect our own moods by what we think and how we think. There is then some choice we have in the matter. I suppose the trick is to find ways to think and things to think about which do you the most good. 
    I often try to engage in a simple activity to take my mind off myself and my own troubles. Sometimes it’s hard to do this and so I’m tolerant of myself, postpone thinking that everything is hopeless and wait for the mood to pass before doing something. It takes a little effort but if you’re thinking that you can’t be bothered to do anything because it’s not worth it then why bother yourself to think everything is hopeless? And how you can go around and around in your head with these thoughts of despair, so much effort with no reward.
    Gentle exercising is good, walks are great and chatting with someone else about their problems or life can be very distracting and rewarding, who doesn’t get a kick out of helping others? Silver line is a charity by Esther rantzen whereby you call elderly people regularly and chat to help them, and yourself, feel less isolated. This of course just requires you to have a phone, and something to say. With our weather we always have something to say!

    anxiety can be caused by any number of things of course. I often find that fear is behind mine. Sometimes I simply say to myself “come now, what it is it i fear here?” And then I try to reason about it.  I have a faith so I can offload my fears and I know that I’m never truly alone.

    i hope something here makes sense to you. I wish you well.

  • Teepee65
    Teepee65 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thankyou for your time everyone. Firstly.. Yes I have a counsellor.. She is brilliant. She works for The Hospice. I have always been aware of mindset and how much hard work it is and try to be aware of where my head is at. I work with elderly people in a residential home doing art sessions every other week. Giving is wonderful thing :) I also work as a performer doing street theatre. I have a wonderful family too.... Its been a tough two years but I'm trying. X
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Sounds like you are doing all you can and I really hope everything improves for you; having a supportive family makes a world of difference.  Good luck!