Anorexia care

mand73 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
Hello, I'm new on here, so I don't know if anyone has the same issues.
Basically I suffer and have had for the past 35 years with anorexia. It started when I was eleven due to a series of events I now understand were the triggers and over the years this has got worse. I wasn't "officially" diagnosed until I was 36. I have had 3 inpatient admissions and each for one I've had to fight and fight for help as always I'm told there is no funding. There are no eating disorder specialists where I live, (I.O.W).
On my last discharge, 2016, I was assured the ongoing therapy was all in place and I would see a psychologist to carry on helping me to maintain my progress. This hasn't happened and I am now back to where I was. My "care co-ordinator" is worse than useless and I feel really angry and disheartened. I wonder if anyone else is in the same position. I so want the help and I know if I was given what was promised to me I wouldn't be where I am AGAIN. This is the third time this has happened and feel totally let down, unworthy of help and worry I won't have the strength to fight again. My fiancé is incredibly supportive but has his own anxiety issues. I would love to hear from anyone in the same position.


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,765 Championing
    edited June 2018
    Hi @mand73, and a warm welcome to the community.

    Thank you for sharing this with us- I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been through with your care issues. Have you considered making a complaint about your care co-ordinator? Rethink Mental Illness have some really good guidance on doing so, and perhaps making it known could help bring about some change in terms of your condition management?

    It might also be worth speaking to a professional at the BEAT helpline, to see if there's anything they can suggest:


    Adult Helpline: 0808 801 0677

    Studentline: 0808 801 0811

    Youthline: 0808 801 0711 

    Our Helplines are open 365 days a year from 12pm – 8pm during the week, and 4pm – 8pm on weekends and bank holidays.

    Sometimes our lines are busy. If you can't get through immediately, please do try again.

    If you need support outside of these hours, we encourage you to email our Helpline staff (details below) or access our Message Boards

  • atlas46
    atlas46 Community member Posts: 817 Pioneering
    Hi @mand73

    A very warm welcome.

    Sorry to learn about the difficulties you have had in trying to over come your problems.

    I have no experience of anorexia, but I recall a work colleague breaking down in front of me, about anorexia.

    He was a GP (of 20 years standing), who had spent 18 months, trying to get treatment for his teenage daughter. I supported him for the next 12 months and glad to say she is fine now.

    What you need is a support team and I have some suggestions for you.

    Your MP, tel: 01983 220 220 (Cowes office).

    You need to call in the SAS!

    Or in more simple terms, Southern Adocacy Servies (SAS), they will provide an advocacy service for you, Tel: 01983 559 299.

    If you are feeling distressed then call SANEline tel: 0300 304 505, lines open 4.30pm till 10.30pm.

    I would also recommend that you get the help of a Welfare Rights Advisor, via CAB.

    Citizens Advice (IOW) tel: 01983 823 898.

    Hope this helps.

    Keep us informed.

    Best wishes
  • mand73
    mand73 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you some more contact numbers. I will try them.
  • starchild
    starchild Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    Hi im in a bit of this position ive gained and now everyone thinks im fine and im not .Ive joined a site  by Tabath Farrah   and she has recovered ckmpletely  she has a blog booms u tube and a group to join calle Slack  maybe you could take a look i did and its helped lx