PIP Descriptors b. b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to be able to either prepare or cook a simple

Trev121 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Listener
PIP Descriptors
1.Preparing Food

b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to be able to
either prepare or cook a simple meal. 2 Points

Can someone help verify a query for me, please, regarding the above PIP descriptor.

If someone suffers from COPD, which causes breathing limitations, and cannot use a conventional cooker because the heat, fumes and smoke from a cooking hob/oven make their breathing problems worse, which means a conventional cooker is not safe to use for them. So instead they use a Halogen Oven (which keeps all the heat, fumes, smoke, etc, confined within it's glass bowl) and/or microwave are to cook. 

Then do these two above count as being an aid/appliances, as they are: ‘any device which improves, provides or replaces [the claimant’s] impaired physical or mental function’ ?


  • atlas46
    atlas46 Online Community Member Posts: 817 Pioneering
    Hi @Trev121

    I would agree with you.

    As in my claim form, I explained I used a slow cooker on the worktop as an aide.

    I went into detail to explain why, suggest you do the same.

    My wife has recently been diagnosed with COPD and is attending a NHS rehab programme, they have taught her how to take her time and pace herself.

    If you have been on such a programme, I would put this in your form.

    Hope this helps.

    Best wishes

  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Yes put as much information as why you need to do things this way or that way, not a straight yes or no. If you need an aid to cook, clean, wash or dress explain why you need to use an aid or require help or assistance to do these,those daily activities.
  • Trev121
    Trev121 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Listener
    Hi, Atlas46,

    any advice is most welcome and helpful.

    Yes, good that you understand where I'm coming from with the cooker. I'll go into all the detail I can.

    I'm with you on the Pulomnary Rehab, as it's an essential part of COPD maintenance. I too need to do theraputic exercises to halt it's progession, which I am putting down on the form.

    Many thanks

  • Trev121
    Trev121 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Listener
  • debsidoo
    debsidoo Online Community Member Posts: 325 Empowering
    Hi Trev121
    Just a thought but do you use an inhaler to help you breathe.If so you could explain if you have to have a puff or two during the cooking process.
  • Trev121
    Trev121 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Listener
    Hi Debsidoo,
    A very good point, and quite right , as well, because although I use an aid as I cannot use a cooker, even that still adversely affects my breathing.