Help with PIP- depression

TheratS1 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited July 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi I suffer with depression I have done on and off for many years i currently GET DLA BUT I MUST now apply for pip the trouble I have is I
Had to change my doctors because he retired and go to a new doctors surgery where you have ten doctors and sixteen thousand patients and although I'm on the same medication they simply don't know  you so I need to fill a pip form out . Can anyone give me a idea a of what I need
Qulify for pip


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @TheratS1 Pleased to meet you welcome.

    Sorry about you have to change from DLA to PIP. . If you get DLA this is being phased out so you will get a form to complete for Personal Independent Payment.

    The benefit is for those who are disabled and have illness.  Have problems with daily living and difficulty with doing every day tasks.

    You need to fill form in. It says what you need on the form.  A number of headings. Please read the booklet with the form.  Understand also that you would be advisable to ask either someone you know to fill it in.

    I used as I am going through this myself  CAB used my local office.

    Who filled it in and I supplied the information. I also made a draft script. First then asked them from that to gether we compiled the form.  Make copies of the form and it says give and send relevant information.  Send copies.

    As for your Doctors.  Doctors will be contacted regarding your health and history.

    This is most important part of the process   The form and the face to face assessment. . I can tell you. I have mental illness my self.  So you need to do this. It is a struggle I know.

    I have been doing this a long time and you must realise you need to find support if you can.  If you have any mental health nurse or floating support.

    Have a look at our information on Talk about PIP and related posts and threads.

    More information useful website  Also call 0845 850 3322 for more information and advice.

    Hope that helps please ask the community anything you wished to know.

    Wish you the best and success.

  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @TheratS1, and a warm welcome to the community!

    All the best with your PIP application. It can feel really overwhelming, but this information on PIP and this guidance on filling in the PIP form may be a good place to start- have a read, and do come back to us with any questions.
  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 966 Trailblazing
    "As for your Doctors.  Doctors will be contacted regarding your health and history."

    THIS IS NOT TRUE. Doctors are rarely contacted. Get your own evidence from them and send it in.
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    Waylay said:
    "As for your Doctors.  Doctors will be contacted regarding your health and history."

    THIS IS NOT TRUE. Doctors are rarely contacted. Get your own evidence from them and send it in.

    Also to add to @Waylay 's info any extra evidence you get can also be Consultants,cpn, psychiatrist etc.

    But make sure it's NOT marked Private or Confidential or in Confidence. Make sure it only states "To whom it may concern" otherwise it will not be passed to the DWP Decision Maker.

  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    edited July 2018
    I had an Psychologist assessment yesterday and asked to have any letters to my gp sent to me but was refused as they all go to my gp. Was asked why and I said for evidence for PIP ESA.
    The Psychologist said you don’t need to worry the DWP will ask for records and letters!

    Doubt that will happen so my gp will have even more work when the time comes again
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    susan48 said:
    I had an Psychologist assessment yesterday and asked to have any letters to my gp sent to me but was refused as they all go to my gp. Was asked why and I said for evidence for PIP ESA.
    The Psychologist said you don’t need to worry the DWP will ask for records and letters!

    Doubt that will happen so my gp will have even more work when the time comes again

    @susan48 Sorry to hear this. I would say your (Psychologist) has been told not to supply you evidence by the DWP, this seems to be happening more now.

    My psychiatrist and others know me and what this system is like, I was lucky i e known my team for years and supplied me everything I needed to get these fools of my back.
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing

    i will ask again when I start seeing my psychologist and also psychiatrist.
    id rather just have the letters so I don’t need to hassle my gp for them when DWP starts reviews again.

    glad your MHZ team are supporting you
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited July 2018
    I do find it strange and somewhat worrying that the government not only stop funding via Legal Aid the advice agencies citing that you don't need their help in claiming PIP or ESA and now they are trying to close the tap of information and evidence held by medical and psychiatric officials. This is one further close down on top of the one that GP's are told not to issue any further sick notes if the DWP decide that you are actually able to work.
    Presumably the DWP would be happy if all claimants were not able to provide additional evidence in support of their claims. 
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    @Yadnad That's exactly what the DWP want is for claimants not to be able to access evidence or GP's to supply fit notes etc.

    The DWP are a law to them self and stop at nothing to achieve it.
    End of.. We as a human race need to fight back like we did when the poll tax started in the late 80's and that was then abolished.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello every body another @thespiceman mistake.

    About information from your Doctor will be contacted. Strange on that because the PIP people always ask me for my Doctors details.

    So please can I ask why do we need to have the Doctors information on the PIP form.

    I assumed that they would contact my medical people and if they do not.  How can you be impartial to some one illness or disability if you do not have access to their records of health. 

    Wondered why am being constantly reviewed and reassessed all the time. I know the truth is out there and they keep ignoring what we as a community are being put through.

    Have been through a lot so the last one did have evidence from my Doctor because it was there in the file and had a report if I recall.

    Maybe need to question this before we admitting to anything I have written down . When I have my assessment next couple of weeks. Any problems or issues just say where is the Doctors report. You should have one.

    If I fail and lose then can prove that the evidence at appeal was not there.  That is there responsibility the DWP to supply the assessor with the relevant information is it not. Am I being too cynical. Do not get relevant information to assessor no claim.  Is that why they ignore this then. Not right is it?

    Well more evidence at appeal then to say they should have it not me.  Additional costs to me for reports and all the rest being told last time. That they will DWP contact the medical people the Doctors.  Does it not say that in the literature in the PIP form.?

    Am I getting old and confused every time

    What got to me by the way. Was the appointment I had with CAB  about the PIP form. After an exhausting two hours plus filling the form in.

    All she the lady who helped me. Said you will fail and need to get a Mandatory Reconsideration. So there a load of confidence boost for the community.

    Here we go again another long tiresome journey. What we all need our community is some one to put there head up on the parapet and say well I am willing to stand up for this community. Give them legal help and welfare help and support at the very start.

    Never happen. Happens I bet in America good old lawyers get involved in these benefit disputes.  Why not . All about money that all we ever are being told .  We as community cost too much and the rest is history.

    Been doing this far too long these trials and tribulations of wanting a benefit that I should be entitled to. Yet again get shocked and feel emotional for all our community. No matter how strong I can be sometimes.

    Still find myself getting my self angry and annoyed and why me Lord to just get some where to either live on or just to help me get about. Is it really too much to ask.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello every body forgot to add please can anybody please just tell me if I make a mistake, we all make them.

    Just with sensitivity and kindness. Some of us have issues and do get things wrong. Sometimes so please I asking the community.

    Just be gentle and not be too nit-picking and critical.

    As I posted in Respect the other day. Remember walk a mile in my shoes before you post.

    Feel embarrassed and foolish if I am wrong. Which I do get confused as I said in my previous post.  So if it was you got things wrong or make an error. Then I would be kind to you.

    Thank you to all .
  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 966 Trailblazing
    Yeah, @susan48 and @Yadnad, it drives me nuts. 

    Sorry, @thespiceman , didn't have much time, and wanted to make sure I got the message out. No criticism of you at all! It's not "another" @thespiceman
     mistake! You're incredibly kind and helpful, and you've helped me a lot. We all get things wrong sometimes, mostly because the system is so unfair and they provide so little information to us! 

    They do ask for your GP's details, etc., and most people assume that means that they'll contact their GP, consultants, etc. themselves. I don't know if it's a purposeful thing or not, but they certainly haven't tried to change the perception!  I only know because I'm obsessive about PIP (to an unhealthy degree), and I spend many hours a week on forums and reading news/info for welfare rights professionals, etc. I still make mistakes. You're lovely and very knowledgeable, and I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm so sorry!

    I read an article about this... Lemme see if I can find it...       
    Voila. That's a great news site, btw.

    >Wondered why am being constantly reviewed and >reassessed all the time. I know the truth is out there >and they keep ignoring what we as a community are >being put through.
    I think they're doing it to everyone, honestly. Trying to grind us down so that we stop applying, imho.

    >Maybe need to question this before we admitting to >anything I have written down . When I have my >assessment next couple of weeks. Any problems or >issues just say where is the Doctors report. You should >have one.
    If you didn't send it with your current application/review form, I'd bring a copy with you. They often say that "dispose" of information at some point. Maybe they do....

    >If I fail and lose then can prove that the evidence at >appeal was not there.  That is there responsibility the >DWP to supply the assessor with the relevant >information is it not. Am I being too cynical. Do not get >relevant information to assessor no claim.  Is that why >they ignore this then. Not right is it?
    Alas, my assessor apparently didn't have my last appeal. I'd bring it with you, if you can. Unless you can wait for months and months for appeal. I've been waiting nearly 8 now.

    >All she the lady who helped me. Said you will fail and >need to get a Mandatory Reconsideration. So there a >load of confidence boost for the community.
    They know what's going on. :/ They try to prepare people. 

    Apparently the numbers of people being scored 0 are going up like crazy. 
    % of PIP claimants scored 0 points
    2014-2015 2015-2016  2016-2017 
          8%             13%           14%
    The raw numbers go up too. I saw a graph of it, but can't find it now. Here's some more numbers:

    >Been doing this far too long these trials and tribulations >of wanting a benefit that I should be entitled to. Yet >again get shocked and feel emotional for all our >community. No matter how strong I can be sometimes.
    I know exactly what you mean. 
