Advice on finding a good 'alternative' Therapist as well as a CBT Therapist - Derby

GothOnWheels Community member Posts: 18 Connected
Hi again

I am really struggling to know where to start, and have now lost my will to live in the scope community search bar.

I have a lot of complex issues so let's start with the Easy one. I need to find a good CBT therapist that isnt from Trent PTS, that will be able to help me work on my NEAD (NonEpileptic Attack Disorder). My NEAD relates to my Fibromyalgia and is affected by similar things, such as emotional distress. I have been advised to have CBT, to help me with my triggers and similar stuff. I previously didn't get on with CBT but have been advised if it is focused on my seizures i may get on better, also if its not through Trent PTS as it was last time. Does anyone have any reccomendations on where to start? As I'm not 100% sure what to look for in a therpist etc.

Now to the kind of complex bit, apologies in advance.

I have a lot of 'issues' relating to multiple parts of my life. These range from disability related, to food, weight, and a whole mess of other things - a lot of which stem from bullying throught my childhood development. I have a vague idea where a lot of it comes from, so know i need to start getting a handle on it if i want to start getting better - both mentally and physically.

This is where the problem lies, as I have been in and out of 'Talking Therapy' since i was about 13/14; first with CAMHS and then with school and college apointed councellors. None of that helped me, and in fact in some cases made me worse.

I have been looking into the possibility of some form of Arts therapies, as i used to do it as a job (one of the main reason i got into that line of work is i knew it would have helped me if i had gotten access to it). Does anyone know of any Arts based therapies, or similar, in/around Derby, as It's been a bit difficult to research.

Many thanks


  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Community member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Given that you've been in and out of 'talking therapy' for a while and that you've not found it helpful and that you know about therapy having worked in the field you might want to consider therapy that is considered to be more effective for trauma [bullying] e.g. EMDR [available through the NHS and recommended by NICE for trauma], body focused therapy [see anything written by Peter Levine], a therapist that uses the trauma informed approach, see here for more information:  I hope that is helpful... Emma
  • GothOnWheels
    GothOnWheels Community member Posts: 18 Connected
    EmmaB said:
    Given that you've been in and out of 'talking therapy' for a while and that you've not found it helpful and that you know about therapy having worked in the field you might want to consider therapy that is considered to be more effective for trauma [bullying] e.g. EMDR [available through the NHS and recommended by NICE for trauma], body focused therapy [see anything written by Peter Levine], a therapist that uses the trauma informed approach, see here for more information:  I hope that is helpful... Emma
    I will look into that, thank you <3
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,865 Championing
    You might want to try effective therapy. For trauma personally I would suggest EMDR recommended by NICE. BFT is also proven to work well (read anything by Peter Levine). I hope this is helpful for you. Hugs. Mental health problems can be difficult to cope with at the best of times.