Dwp pip nurse all lies

sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
Pip nurse said I was casual dressed I was in my pjs .he also said I had a chaperone because of risk this is a lie  I had advocate to help me at the medical. The whole paper is load of lies top to bottom to to scares to to read it properly but some one will read it Kant believe the lies. He said I had no swallowing issues on my medical reports I have he not trained at all .these two medical people should be stopped .We have our Dr etc I know my Dr 100% backing me up and so is my old dr to they disgraced way mh people are treated.next wk my appeal be getting sent off to lawyer 


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @sam12   Pleased to meet you. First I can I add sorry about this assessment you had.  I am totally shocked but since reading what others are going through. I hope I can be of any support.

    Understand and what to do now. First thing I would do complain to ATOS or who ever did the assessment.  Reading the booklet does say that.  It comes with the PIP letter that you get on the assessment appointment.  Either on line or by letter.  If that helps. Maybe worth considering.

    Most of importantly I would speak to my MP they do I believe from reading on several posts they wish to know.

    Good you have a Doctor who supports you. That is also great to hear.

    Other aspect of this the knowledge they lie does constantly bother me. As I am sure the community does as well.

    Consultation of an lawyer is a good possibility and a solution to my ever increasing fragile mind. Some thing I wish can be put into place.

    My concern for others and your good self.

    Have been awards to certain claimants, as we have seen in form of compensation. What and how and why is this happening.

    Got an assessment Monday gives me some more feelings of dread.  Going in with a fight and a battle state of mind. So hope and pray for you. As well others in my heart.

    Take care

  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    Lady comin tomoz to get my appeal off to fightingback4justice lawyers  I thinking of suin what he said and did and put me throu I won't let it drop this pip nurse.letting on he was sorry what my health and tragic traumas he a joke not fit to do any job