Housing for my son who has autism

oakbak Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
I have a son who has autism . He like jumping and sitting in windows. I live in the first floor  of flat and it very  dangerous. Because of him we can't open our Windows  or doors. When he comes out from house he rush to people's home when their doors are open. Some has dogs  and time the dog chase him. I applied to the housing association to give a house  on the ground floor. They  told me to bring his medical  records  and anything that shows  that has autism  and l did all that but they refused me sayin me issue  is not important or emergency  and they have people  liveing in hostel  who need  house so l have  a flat living  l should live in that. Last time my son tried to jump through the window.please help me .where  should  l go for help.


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @oakbak and a very warm welcome to the community. Thank you for sharing your story with us. This must be a very stressful situation for you. Unfortunately Scope do not run any housing services but I hope people on the community are able to offer you support and guidance. People do have a look around and get involved with any other discussions.
    I hope you and your son have a lovely day :)
  • curiousgirl96
    curiousgirl96 Posts: 8 Listener

    Ask your local council about housing. They should be able to help you find a suitable place to live. Could you kindly clarify who the housing is for- you or another family member? 
  • oakbak
    oakbak Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks for the help
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hi @oakbak

    Welcome to the community!

    Unfortunately, it is probably the case that currently your household will be deemed a low priority for alternative social housing (council or housing association). They have decided that you are currently adequately housed, it seems that they accept your son has autism but not that his current housing situation puts him at significant risk.

    They probably feel that even if they rehouse you on the ground floor you would still have to manage his behaviour ,and your living situation, to prevent him getting out of open doors and windows and to avoid him entering the homes of your neighbours. 

    I might be worth asking for the community Occupational Therapist to assess your home, if they agree that it is unsafe for your son they may be able to write you a letter in support of being rehouse or make recommendations about how your current home could be made safer.

    Sorry not to be able to be more optimistic

    Best Wishes


  • oakbak
    oakbak Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks jean 
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Housing is always a nuanced issue. If you have any therapists like a OT or a PT they might also be able to assess the suitability of your current house or flat. If they find it’s unsafe for your son then get a letter explaining why.

    Perhaps you could look at home adaptions and home modifications too. I’m sure that the local council can assist you with this. Best of luck!! Do you live in a flat or house? Sorry I cannot be of more assistance. I would also obtain advice from a housing expert just in case. Low priority for social housing sucks I’m sorry. Can you appeal the decision or not? In my area we have Rosebery Housing Association. Not sure what is on offer in your area but have a look anyway. You might be able to find something appropriate for his needs. 

    How severe is his autism? Is it classic autism or high functioning autism?