ESA reassessment

Androgen Online Community Member Posts: 86 Contributor
I've been on ESA since 2014, and this February I got the forms for a reassessment, sent them back in mid February, and haven't actually had anything back from them, seems strange to be waiting for 5 months (so far) with nothing at all back from them, however they're still paying me, and I've had the yearly letter stating my entitlement, not sure if they've decided I don't need to be reassessed, or if I'm still waiting for an assessment?


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Androgen, this is very odd indeed! I'm not too sure what to suggest with this one. I hope the community has some answers :)
  • Ripples
    Ripples Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    @Androgen This may be down to backlogs as some parts of the country can still wait as long as nine months to be contacted.  If you are worried you can phone them and ask.

  • Androgen
    Androgen Online Community Member Posts: 86 Contributor
    Just seems weird that they'd suddenly have a backlog considering my housemate was up for assessment as well, our forms were sent a month apart, but her assessment was done and decisions made within 10 weeks, and I've yet to hear anything

    I also don't want to call them, as I'm in the support group, and don't want to make things difficult since I'm still getting the money, and I don't want to have to go to appeal if they decide to move me into the WRAG
  • starchild
    starchild Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
    Hi@Androgen  if it were me id leave it  alone asoon an as you start to check they are messing about .If they want you let them fi d you impo .They may well have just forgotten they loose so much stuff id be worried if they wernt    paying that all .I kown it may seem a cop out but dont put yourself in a mess if you dont need to .Its just that now they do appear to be doing some rather odd things  best wishes.