Here we go again!

Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering

After having all monies stopped back in 2013 after home assessment for ESA from IB, when I was bed bound, had been for four days prior by Atos, reinstated 3 months later. Fast forward to November 2016 to put in a claim to change from DLA indefinite to PIP. Home assessment by Atos given without a fight February 2017, 35 minutes answering yes and no when my illnesses are complex, lies and omissions by DWP and Atos, monies cut to standard, MR done, appeal paper based and lost, as they agreed with all the lies, taking no notice of Psychiatrists, Doctors or medical reports. Complaint re assessor completed June 2018. Over 8 hours at DDIC to complete a new PIP form which was done thoroughly. Now got my 3rd Atos assessor coming to my home on the 8th August, female as requested. Weeks away and I’m in bits already about this, MH and physical health going downhill rapidly. Have lost my advocate, due to her not covering my area anymore, 17 phone calls to find her in the first place, only a male available to do this now, and because of all that has happened in the past this is not possible, which was one of the issues in the last assessment. Really not sure what to do anymore, as all paperwork will be out of date since last assessment, losing the will to fight this continuously, it has completely taken over my life now! Have been referred back to MH team 3 times in the last 9 months, all they keep telling my Doctor is to tell her to go to CAB re her benefit issues. Arrrrrrrrrr