ESA court ruling

Bonnieward93 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
Hiya so iv heard that Dwp have lost the ruling and going to be owing people some back payment  iv been on ESA for 5 years and just found a letter dated 14th June 2016 showing my money going up because I'm crossing over from work related activity group to contribution based  I shouldn't of been on it in the first place, do you think il be eligible for back pay please 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    The ruling is for those that transferred from Incapacity benefit to ESA and were automatically awarded Contribution based ESA. Those that were entitled to Income related were never assessed for this. It's these people that will be owed back dated money. Your award for Support Group states that you were indeed claiming Income Related, with slight deductions for something, which it doesn't state.

    Unless you claim DLA mid/high rate care or PIP daily living and live alone, with no one claiming carers Allowance for looking after you then you won't be awed any back dated money.