The Global Disability Summit: Disabled young people invited to complete survey

Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,088 Empowering
edited July 2018 in People power
So you may have seen on the news that a Global Disability Summit is taking place in the UK tomorrow...

It's all about encouraging leaders around the world to commit to taking action to improve the lives of disabled people around the world. A livestream of the event (with captions and sign language interpretation) can be viewed now on YouTube.

The summit is currently inviting disabled young people between 11 - 30 years old, from anywhere in the world, to share their thoughts on some of the themes, areas and topics being discussed at the Global Disability Summit.

If you are a young person with disabilities between the ages of 11 years to 30 years old anywhere in the world, please complete this short survey to share your views on the themes (the areas) being discussed at the Global Disability Summit. We want you to have your say about what matters to you as a young person with disabilities because you have the right to be included.

The survey is available now and can be completed online.

Include Me TOO, British Council, International Disability Alliance and the Department for International Development will share your answers with global leaders and disabled young people taking part in the summit so that they can champion the voice of disabled young people.