PIP & Asperger's

Lenzar Community member Posts: 1 Listener
After being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at age 9, I was awarded DLA - this claim was eventually made indefinite when I was 21.

However, thanks to the government's changes, I was forced to apply for PIP.

The form was incredibly confusing for me and asked a lot of questions that were totally irrelevant to Asperger's. I am not physically disabled.

My wife and my mother both wrote statements in addition to the form, explaining how difficult it is for me to function on a daily basis. Due to the Asperger's, I find many things hard. Yes, I have two young children, but I struggle to even interact with them as a father 'should'.

We managed to get the assessment moved to home, but the woman that came was totally unqualified to make the assessment. She was far too busy asking me if I can get myself dressed, which I can do but need reminding on exactly what to put on (I'll think nothing of wearing the same pair of trousers for weeks on end), if I could walk, and if I could cook (I cook a mean chilli, but outside of that I can't get timings right). She was also incredibly rude to my wife, who was trying to help me, and basically told her to shut up and forced me to answer the questions myself.

Long story short, I've been rejected. I've not had the letter yet (my wife phoned up as I lost patience - why is the post still being used in 2018?), but this was explained over the phone.

As this will probably leave us short on money, I need to know what best I can do. I am absolutely disgusted that I am basically being treated like a fraud - it actually makes me want to hurt myself. especially as I have also been diagnosed with depression.

What's the next step?


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,765 Championing
    Hi @Lenzar, and a warm welcome to the community!

    I'm so sorry to hear about yours and your wife's experiences with PIP. Going forwards, it would be best to look at Mandatory Reconsideration. Have a look at Scope's advice on DWP appeals, and do come back to us with any questions.

  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,463 Championing
    Hello @Lenzar and welcome to the community.

    PIP is a different benefit to DLA, unfortunately there are many who were on indefinite DLA who have been refused PIP.

    Until the letter arrives there is little you can do, though you should also ask for a copy of the report from the assessor. In the mean time you might find it useful to check out https://benefitsandwork.co.uk/personal-independence-payment-pip/pip-points-system this sets out the criteria and how the points are awarded.

    Or they have a simple calculator to help you determine what points you are likely to be awarded at http://www.mybenefitsandwork.co.uk/pip/indexxx.php

    To give an example while you are able to dress yourself you need assistance or prompting to be able to select appropriate clothing would score 2 points, if you mentioned this during the assessment. With a condition like Aspergers it is possible you would need to build up your points across a number of the criteria to qualify.

    For example you mention she was rude to your wife, however she was there to assess you and one of the key questions for many with Aspergers would be their ability to communicate with others. This can have a big impact on two criteria, 7. Communication and 9. Engaging with people face to face.

    Once you have received your letter you will need to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR), you will need to respond to the criteria where you believe you did not get the points you should have, hence the need to see the report. In the event the MR rejects your claim you would need to take it to tribunal.

    There is a lot of excellent advice on here and member who are more than happy to answer any specific questions you may have about the criteria.

  • nannylumix
    nannylumix Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Your story is so sad, my husband has Asperger's and wasn't diagnosed till he was in his thirties, he got low rate care and low rate mob, then PIP came in he had the assessment and sent the forms in, then months later another letter for another face to face assessment!!! But finally he got the enhanced care ongoing but nothing for mobility, we were to scared to reapply. This government needs a good sorting out
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @Lenzar, how are you getting on with this?
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    Your story is so sad, my husband has Asperger's and wasn't diagnosed till he was in his thirties, he got low rate care and low rate mob, then PIP came in he had the assessment and sent the forms in, then months later another letter for another face to face assessment!!! But finally he got the enhanced care ongoing but nothing for mobility, we were to scared to reapply. This government needs a good sorting out
    Your husband's claim was treated in the DWP statistics as 'happy with the correct award' - only because you accepted it but knew that it was probably wrong.