Feeling extremely scared about Britain leaving European Union

Sholay09 Online Community Member Posts: 94 Contributor
Hello my name is Shola and I am starting to have a lot of uncontrollable worries about the UK leaving Europe in March 2019 as I am worried about the legal ages for a lot of things going up to a higher age in which I don't want to happen at all because 18 is the age for being an adult in most countries including this country and when many other things might change and get more worse like there would be like an increased rate in racism. I really need help as it is causing me a lot of stress and the worries are stopping me from having fun now. Also I need someone else to tell me that the legal age being 18 for a lot of things will not change at all as I did think at the time that the legal age being 18 for most things will not likely change at all for when I heard two years ago about a lot of people who voted for Britain to leave Europe.


  • Ripples
    Ripples Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    We aren't leaving Europe as that is physically impossible.We are just separating ourselves from the EU. The ages for which things have been legal were in place before we joined the common market for example the age for getting married is 16 with consent and has been so since 1929. The age to legally purchase alcohol has been 18 since 1970.
    I would try and find something else to occupy your mind,  worrying has never changed the future or the past...
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    HI @Sholay09 - I haven't read anything that says the legal age for doing things will go up or down so I'm not sure why you have this worry.  As @Ripples points out the UK's legal age limits have been in place for decades and there's no logical reason why they would change because of Brexit.  As @Ripples also points out worrying doesn't change anything, I'd try and direct your energy into doing something that makes you happy rather than something that isn't going to happen...
  • Sholay09
    Sholay09 Online Community Member Posts: 94 Contributor
    Ok sorry EmmaB for worrying about something like that as I did think myself that the legal age being 18 for a lot of things will not change at all. Also it is not like the government has mentioned about something like that changing for when Britain does leave the EU next year anyway so I do need to try and stop worrying about something like that too.
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Sometimes we can find ourselves worrying about things that most of the time never happen!  You mentioned in your original post about wanting to have fun - go for that as an aim, what would you be doing if you were having fun, what do you need to do to make that happen and go for it!
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    Whilst I disagree with many of the reasons given for leaving the EU I doubt than any of them will actually be the cause of any problems. My personal opinion is that it will be a bad thing because when we went in we had a wide manufacturing basis for self provision that now no longer exists. I can see prices rising rapidly but cannot see many rules changing regarding legal age. I do think that immigration will be much affected and even working in this country for outsiders will be also problematic which could potentially be a disaster as many jobs done by immigrants and visitors are jobs that most British will not want to do. Unfortunately most British people have forgotten or never known the difficulties faced by immigrants in the past and I suspect that even sport will be badly affected as many foreign players in, for example, the Premier League will go elsewhere rather than come here as it will be so much easier for them to move within the EU than to go outside of it. I very much doubt that anyone voting for Brexit even considered how it might affect such things, lol! I actually look forward to the uproar caused if it does happen, lol!

  • Ripples
    Ripples Online Community Member Posts: 188 Empowering
    @Sholay09 I just  wouldn't worry about this at all or listen to what people think might happen or scare stories. For many of us we have to focus on what will happen on  tomorrow or getting through next week. 

    As Emma says when you find yourself worrying do something you enjoy. Some people volunteer, some people like to go for walks, listening to music is good whatever gives you pleasure will help you to not worry.