Nitrites and sleep disorder

pjak Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
Can l just add to my previous post about Nitrites, after I began thinking it was this when added to foods that made me wake and alert very early, so, as l learnt to selectively avoid them in my diet and l found after l'd eaten something which may have it in it would then take 2/3 days to 'wash' out my system and avoid it in future.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @pjak Understanding the way you are is important part of the body and its reaction to substances like Nitrites.

    I think that we do have too much processed food and need to be aware of what is it. Effecting our bodies.

    I know European Laws are in effect concerning the level of Nitrites. We all of us need to be concerned of preservatives.

    Know these can cause many people allergic reactions..

    One useful thing I do is a food diary and have used it to good effect.  For sleep and other associated health issues.

    Hope that helps.

    Take care


  • pjak
    pjak Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    I've just read that someone in Europe Parliament will be looking into the use of Nitrites in our food.