Pip home visit refused

Bella01 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
I applied for pip on 10th March for my granddaughter who has severe anxiety the forms took about 3 months to come through and i sent them back the same day.
I also in that time became her appointee so i could handle everything for her. 
We received a letter on 24th July to say she had an appointment on the 6th of August,
i rung up the same day to explain there is no way she would go and is there anyway she could have an home visit which they agreed,
and about a week ago we received a letter saying that there was no way they could do a home visit and they would be in contact with a new appointment date inwhich i know she will not go to due to her anxiety. 
Is there anything i can do as they are still saying the can not do a home visit even though her doctor said they should do a home visit?


  • Charli
    Charli Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    My advice is go to citizens advice I had a somewhat similar problem with my husband they refused a home visit repeatedly and kept sending new appointments, this only ceased  (after 6 months of fighting) after citizens advice got in touch with atos and DWP and found out they weren’t sharing information on why my husband couldn’t attend they agreed to do a paper assessment with information requested from his mental health workers that was completed on the 7th August so two weeks ago. I requested a copy of the assessment report last Friday which DWP said they would send so hopefully nearly at the end the woman who phoned with a few questions about my husband from atos was really nice and told me they’d received a good letter from mental health so I can only hope, but do go to citizens advice if possible, I also hope my story gives you a few pointers and that you don’t have to fight for your granddaughter as long as I’ve had to good luck
  • Charli
    Charli Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    Also keep all letters and if you ring ask for the name of who your speaking to, it might help to also keep a little diary of when you rang and who you spoke to
  • Charli
    Charli Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    You really know your stuff mikehughescq I’ve never heard of that before you learn something new every day as my granda used to say
  • Bella01
    Bella01 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you will have a try tomorrow 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 90 Listener
    I am the magical combination of a person with multiple impairments; a manager within a welfare rights and debt advice service and someone with a long standing interest in equalities and accessibility who works with the legislation around all those issues every day. I am also to the point. Doesn’t make me popular :)
    yes you are blunt and it does annoy but and i say but i sat watching reading before commenting and lots of points you give did help myself in some ways with my claim ???there i praised you  god i must be getting better hahaha