Am i entitled to pip/should i apply?

JadeNoble Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
edited August 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi everyone my names jade imm 22 years old and for 8 years i have had an ongoing shoulder/neck issue as i injured it whilst still at school as i turned suddenly and heard something pop/tear and its never being right since and has only gotten worse. I have been sent to everyspecialist and had every treatment option offered via my gps/pain clinic a few include various types of physiothereapy, steriod injections, trigger point injections and accupuncture ive also had an mri scan and xrays and the only thing that showed up was on the mri was that the top of my neck where it should be straight mine has began to have a curve from the muscle spasms. Also in the begining of 2017 i started with numbness and tingling in my toes/feet and ive been diagnosed with nerve damge i am currently on medication that controls the pain and discomfort to a degree but some days are worse than others,(Ive had nerve tests done at the hospital confirming the nerves are not working correctly) making it hard for me to stand for extended periods of time and makes wearing shoes/socks extreamley uncomfortable,but know one knows how or why ive got the nerve damage as i have not injured my feet/toes but some doctors think it may be linked to my shoulder/neck issues as i know have more problems within my back because of the problems going on for so long the rest of my back is compensating for my left side being in constant pain despite trying various medications as well as the other treatments. What im struggling with at the moment is i have always worked in retail but now those jobs are making my conditions worse through all the manual lifting/strain so i have not worked since last year making it the longest ive ever being without a job and im struggling finacially as i currently care for my disabled mother so get careres allowance every week and support allowance every 2 weeks but this isnt eough to life on and only just covers my bills and im currently having to privatley pay for chiropractic care as this is not available on the nhs and seems to be the only thing ive found that eases the pain/discomfort even if its only for a few days, so i want some advice on if i would qualify for pip as in my mind i am practically disabled as i cant work and have an ongoing condition?
Any advice would be much apprectiated 
Jade :) 


  • Peasmold_01
    Peasmold_01 Online Community Member Posts: 144 Empowering
    edited August 2018
    What does your chiropractor think? Believe it or not, if you want an honest opinion  ask him /her. My partner swears by her chiropractor's advice and opinion on her various health issues  and he is invariably correct. To the nub of the question. Only you can make that decision  and only you will know if you are able to undertake the intrusion into your personal life that PIP involves. However, there is always support and advice on this forum. Good luck  whatever you decide. 
    (Humans are the only animals that blush, or need to ) 
  • JadeNoble
    JadeNoble Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Do you mean to ask my chriporactor what he thinks is worng with my shoulder/neck if so he has repetedley said it is musculoskeletal damage and it will take a long time to correct but i may have problems for the rest of my life with it 
  • Peasmold_01
    Peasmold_01 Online Community Member Posts: 144 Empowering
    What I meant, was ask your chiropractor if you should apply and would he support your application in writing? When you apply have your ammunition ready, you may need it later.
    (Humans are the only that blush  or need to ) 
  • JadeNoble
    JadeNoble Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    its hard for me to answer them as i walk unaided but im in constant pain when walking and some days are worse than others but walking longer for longer than 20 mins and have to sit down and rest until the pain/tingling subside and then i carry on but i do use public transport and taxis to get me to my local town centre and back very often