About getting a loan with SERCO?

Anii Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited September 2018 in Autism and neurodiversity
 :)  Hello I am not sure if I should be writing here? I need a loan for my intrest only mortgage. I am a bit confused. I read on here if you were getting help with the payments you would go on getting it. Now my building socity say I owe money? I did have someone phone me from Serco but I cannot hear on ther phone. I need to talk to someone face to face about this. Where should I go or who should I see? I would be greatfull for any help or advice. I am 79 years of age.


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing


    Unfortunately the payments for your mortgage interest will have stopped UNLESS you agreed to take out the loan from the DWP. If you haven't signed anything, then you probably haven't agreed to the loan. Did you get any paperwork in the post? You need to take that somewhere you can get face to face advice as soon as possible. I'd suggest the CAB.

    You'll be entitled to take the loan out if you get Pension Credit, or if you would get it if the mortgage interest payments were still part of Pension Credit. I'm assuming one of these applies to you, because I think you're saying that you used to get the mortgage interest payments paid direct?

    You should also consider contacting your MP.  The way in which Serco, on behalf of the DWP, contacted you, didn't comply with the Equality Act. You weren't provided information in a way that you could engage with it and as a result, your mortgage isn't being paid. So I think you should also make a complaint to the DWP. Either the CAB or your MP could help you do this, but in any case, I think it's important MPs know that the system of loans to pay mortgages isn't working, and lots of people are still not signed up and falling into arrears.
