10th April 2018 Law Change for PIP claim decisions

Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected

Anyone know please what the " 10 April 2018 change in the law, which change the way the DWP decide PIP claims" is about please? I can't seem to find anything that I can understand? question

After a very traumatic battle, I have had my PIP reinstated backdated from November 2017, (which was removed December 2nd 2016, following a reassessment, leaving a shortfall of 11 months!)

So grateful for this wonderful site, all the support and information kept me going, especially on very bad days. Thank you everyone.

Just now received an ESA 'book' to complete for support group contributory ESA reassessment. here we go again! cry

My state pension has been withheld for 6 years at the 'last minute' now I can't retire until I'm 66 years old, instead of the expected 60, (together with many more people I expect?)