Fibromyalgia and adhd

gemjar Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi all,

I care for my partner who has fibromyalgia/CFS. He is housebound due to bowel issues which we feel after much physical exploration could be linked. He is currently going through tests to determine if he is Autistic (Asperger's) or has add/ADHD. Does anyone else have any experience of these conditions being linked? We have tried for a very long time to get him some mental health support but being housebound is making this near impossible. 


  • markyboy
    markyboy Community member Posts: 367 Empowering
    Fibromyalgia ,irritable  bowel and CFS are linked it took me 6 years to get a diagnosis and i had to get this from a consultant in the mental health department
  • gemjar
    gemjar Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you so much for your reply, may I ask what treatment you are receiving? My partner spends anything up to 5 hours at a time in the bathroom (give or take the few mins he takes to come and get a drink to take back in with him) he has had several operations to try and discover what's going on and had every test under the sun to no avail
  • markyboy
    markyboy Community member Posts: 367 Empowering
    When it came to getting a diagnosis my GP had to refer me out of area as there was no CFS clinic in my postcode  and when i saw the consultant he told me that he could diagnose and write a report of his findings but could offer no after care as the mental health dept was overloaded with work and was not accepting out of area patients 
    I had loads of help and advice from the ME  C/F/S association website