
linda67 Community member Posts: 10 Listener
Hi i put in for pip in 2017 got 0 points had appeal in april 2018 where they wanted medical records which i consented to then after a few days i changed my mind to consent and thought thatvwas thst but now i have another appeal on sept 11th  is this correct or a mistake as i thought as i withdrew consent  it eould go against me so i dont no what to do shall i go or not


  • lindadenise
    lindadenise Community member Posts: 302 Empowering
    Yes go you have nothing to lose.
  • linda67
    linda67 Community member Posts: 10 Listener
    I know but when i went the ladt time the panel doctor said if my conditions affected me so much i shouldnt have been given a driving license but i think disabled people drive dont they and although i have a licence i am not driving atm cos i dont have a car and dont eant one
  • lindadenise
    lindadenise Community member Posts: 302 Empowering
    I think you have got nothing to lose by going. Yes alot of disabled people drive.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    Why did you withdraw your consent to them requesting your medical records? Have you sent in evidence to support your claim? 

    A person driving can indeed go against them for some descriptors. It totally depends on the reasons for your claim. In some cases if your condition was bad enough then your driving license would be taken off you. The fact that you don't drive because you don't have car won't help you. 
  • linda67
    linda67 Community member Posts: 10 Listener
    I withdrew my consent due to the fact it has things in there that is really private and i dont wish other people to see it and i have type 1 diabeties which had led to retinopathy which the consultant sayes is still within driving range and akso neuropathy in top of one legs and 4 toes  i also have bad anxiety and depression
  • linda67
    linda67 Community member Posts: 10 Listener
    I dont think i am going to go to appeal but i can make a new claim and maybe get help doing my form of somebody
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    That doesn't make sense when you're trying to prove those descriptors apply for an PIP award. Yes I agree they're private but surely if you have nothing to hide then you would give your consent, this tells me that you have something you don't want them to see in your medical records, like your driving for example. 

    You didn't answer my question, did you send evidence to support your claim?

    Why start another claim when your Tribunal date is so close? 
  • linda67
    linda67 Community member Posts: 10 Listener
    I have nothing to hide and all my support has been sent  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    As you wouldn't give consent then you must have something to hide, if you hadn't then you would have given the consent to go forward with your Tribunal. 

  • linda67
    linda67 Community member Posts: 10 Listener
    You dont no me so dont call me a liar your rude and unhelpful and very judgemental
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    Thanks but i'm not any of that. I'm sorry but you're not exactly helping yourself by refusing to consent to your medical records being seen. It's more or less stating you have something to hide. Surely as they've asked to see your medical file, this would help your claim.  I wish you good luck! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    Also reading my comments above, I never once stated you are a liar. 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    edited September 2018
    I can understand your concerns. I dont think they get to see your file. Im not sure but I think they ask the g p to report or something. I dont think you have something to hide as it can feel very invasive. Just think of them as your g p. 
  • Peasmold_01
    Peasmold_01 Community member Posts: 144 Empowering
    Can we take the heat out of this discussion. Shall we be pragmatic for a moment. Linda67,You have been offered another Tribunal Appeal? Was the first Tribunal Appeal adjourned pending you providing the requested medical evidence? If so, then this is a resumption of the earlier hearing. If the Tribunal made a decision, based upon the last hearing, then you would have received a notice of adjudication. If you did not receive one, then this is probably a resumption. Regarding your medical evidence. The choice, is of course yours. However, may I suggest you weigh up the pros and cons of not providing your medical report? Tribunal decisions are based on the facts available at the time. Most medical reports, by their very nature, contain very personal information. The members of the Tribunal and Tribunal staff have all signed confidentiality agreements, or similar. Certainly both the Judge the Tribunal doctor and the lay member, know the consequences if any of your private information is passed to a third party, other than those involved directly in your case. i.e. The DWP..

    You have not detailed the medical/emotional reasons for your appeal. You have obviously had an assessment. Have you looked at the points awarded for each descriptor? If so, are they the reasons you are or have appealed the decision? 

    Without disclosing too much personal information, may I suggest you review the descriptors and the reasons for your original appeal, and come back to the forum and proffer a little more information, then, perhaps, members of the forum, may be able to help with further advice.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi everyone. Please can I take a moment to ask you all to be respectful of people's opinions and views. I know you all just want to offer support to each other. The community is a space for everyone and we want everyone to feel comfortable in voicing their opinions.