Ask a mental health advisor....?

NCL Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
I'm fairly new to the forum. I was checking out some of the different areas of discussion and found that the "Ask a mental health advisor" thread was closed. Does anyone know why? It looked like there were a lot of requests for help, so I don't think it was underused.
Thanks for your help. 


  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Community member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Thanks for posting this.
    Sounds like people need it. Could admin opsn it again please
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @NCL   Thank you for your post. Pleased to meet you.

    I understand about a Mental Health advisor.  I suppose there are so many requests for advice, information.

    Please can I ask you?  Can the community advise?

    I have anxiety and depression. Find if I put my issues out there to the community. Get lots of positive feed back.

    Have a hope and prayer always get support for anything I need to know.

    Pleasure to advise or help you if I can.

    Ready to listen anytime.

    Please take care

  • NCL
    NCL Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    Thanks, thespiceman. I have anxiety and depression, too.
    It's the pain that is really getting me down. Struggling to sleep, full of drugs, very limited mobility and sitting in the wheelchair is too painful so I'm housebound, mostly bed bound. I want to be able to pull my leg off to get rid of the spasm and ache. Tempting to bang my head against the wall. Trying to distract myself including writing to you but nothing is working. 
    The pain is about 7. (10 is when I can't crawl, when I can't breathe, when I wail but silently because moving increases the pain.) It isn't that bad today but it's bad enough. Nothing is distracting me; nothing is taking me away from it hurting. 
    Sorry. I feel like I should find something positive to say but this is a bad night. 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @NCL Good morning thanks for replying back to me  Thank you for sharing.. I am sorry you are in pain.

    No one knows about how much pain can distract and hinder the person you are.

    I had and still do have pain most days through alcohol withdrawal. So I know about pain but it is every one is different.

    In my case effects muscles and joints.

    All I know we can as a community come to understand the emotions and feelings you have with compassion and empathy.

    No matter how many lots of medication nothing is ever working to your satisfaction and giving you peace.

    It is finding the equal balance of managing what you have and how to deal with it.  I do not have the answers. Just a friend knowing and being aware of how you are coping.

    Wishing do more to help. All I add is am here every day and maybe by talking. Might help. I know every body has these feeling and emotions around pain. I have them some days need to express.

    All I can do .  Do not mind listening it is also a path a lot of our community have been down. Hope they get in touch. Support and give to some time to discuss how as a community can advise.

    It is worth contacting the Doctor but there again how much of medication you are taking is the limit . They can prescribe.

    Please have a look at our posts on Dealing with Chronic Pain. For advice, information and support.  Just a suggestion.

    Please contact me anytime you wish. We can talk about anything .

    Please take care


  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I recently found out my g p has a pain clinic. It’s a pharmacist who helps with medication. So I had my first appointment. Maybe you could find out if yours has one or if you can be referred to one? I use distraction to get me through some types of pain and lots of other things but sometimes I just have to wrap up in my duvet or a blanket and ride it out. It’s horrible having pain. Also recently started looking at my diet thinking about deficiencies that could be making pain worse. Next step to ask g p to check my bloods. Meanwhile I’m looking at taking supplements. I think it’s important when you don’t eat well. Recently started hemp oil capsules and waiting to see if they help pain and anxiety. What you are going through you will get through. 
  • NCL
    NCL Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    Thank you for the inspiration - I'm going to ask about GP pain clinics. I too have days when I just have to wrap up warm and accept the pain. I've just started to take a probiotic to see if that will help with my general health - due for surgery next month. Please tell us the effects of what you're doing with supplements. Hope today is a comfortable one. 
  • NCL
    NCL Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    Thank you, thespiceman, for your kindness. Some days are just for getting through. Today has been a better day. I think, if I get up ok tomorrow, I'm going to write that on the walls - "tomorrow can be a better day". 
    It really does help being able to talk with people who know what chronic pain is about. I still feel like I'm "making it up" or "being pathetic" at times, a legacy, I think, of decades of misdiagnosis and running into some people who haven't experienced severe pain, and sadly lack empathy. (I'm working hard on being a good person and feeling sad for them rather than angry, but hey, I have to work at that.)
    So, thank you again debbiedo49 and thespiceman. I will try to pass the kindness on to the next person on the edge. May Sarton wrote it in this poem: 
    Here is a glass of water from my well.
    It tastes of rock and root and earth and rain;
    It is the best I have, my only spell,
    And it is is cold, and better than chanpagne.
    Perhaps someone will pass this house one day
    To drink, and be restored, and go his way,
    Someone in dark confusion as I was
    When I drank down cold water in a glass, 
    Drank a transparent health to keep me sane, 
    After the better mood had gone again. 

  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I love it!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @NCL Good morning and thank you for sharing.

    That does help sharing, talking being able to say how you are and feeling.

    What has helped me is being here on this forum. Starting a chat or debate and anyone can contribute.  Gives you a sense of well being. As we all try to be in unison.

    No matter what the issues are problems are we can at least  sympathise, helpful and offer kind words.

    You words resonate with me and others when there are people who do not understand the way pain is effected you.

    In so many ways.  I do know that never judge any body. Something you will not find on this forum.

    I have as many times experienced the utter disbelief and annoyance of people who see the person who is disabled.  Have no understanding of how that person is feeling.

    All I can add because it one of the main reasons in my life that I get grief over.  From those out side our community .

    Like your poem very poignant.

    One thing I have learnt is yes we may be ill or disabled or in pain. Understanding being pleasant and politeness does help.

    Be kind and offer soothing words of comfort with sensitivity.  Because I was always recognising that is the path to follow.

    Being angry, upset is always going to be there . Because we live in a cruel world where injustice is around every corner.

    As we have seen in our community.  There are days of depressions and low mood every body knows about those and we have to try to cope the best we can.

    Why I stopped watching the news , have radio on now relaxing music first thing.  Do some thing if you can to start the day .

    Whether meditation, prayers, feel good music, food.   Good breakfast helps. Reading a positive poem or writing a diary .

    Suggestions I do much as I can .  You find simple pleasures do help and take you mind off things.  

    Considering word puzzles .  Gets the brain functioning and stops yours mind from being thinking of other things.

    Pleasure to meet you . Hope to speak soon.

    Take care
