Pip assessor

Jonnya Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
 , been for assessment a few month ago , to think people like this determin at times life changing decision s ,firstly she said in report I answered her first call to pip room ,no ,my wife told me ,she then made a very big point I was obseved to walk unaided 3 meters ,,yes 3 meters , from chair to pip room. another most highly offending comment was that I drive a manual car and work ,out  of sheer discomfort and self pride may I add, , and appeared not to look at vital information that stressed me out for the time actually obtaining it, and the sucker punch was I declined most of physical examination , yet again , incorrect, she actually said you dont have to due her saying herself I was in discomfort, and it wouldnt go against me , to which I said its ok im not refusing , , I attended as a passenger in car , assisted by my wife to get in the place ,,( arthritic deformed hands), she was extremely freindly ,(sorry two faced) , and even commented on what names she had been called ,going on to say youll be ok because ive scored you quite high , ended up with standard care only from higher dla , appealed with man reco with even more info ,no change made , yet annoying ly again the above about work and driving was the recipe of day , they said because I drive this aquired lower and upper limb power therfore they decided I can walk unaided for more than 30etres , isnt this wot a car does,, im absolutely disgusted by this and find their findings an absolute joke considering the absolute mass of professional nfo provided,
They said they have no reason to dobt the findings of the assessor as they are highly trained in their field , she was a nurse , 
I now find myself in hospital  wth arthritis in spine requirng surgery,  anyway no point in waiting to  see consult .Specialists , the pip assessor will tell me whats wrong , after all shes highly trained , yes im appealing ,  sorry if all this sounds vague, im shaking trying to word this ,... good luck all ....paul


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    Did you take it to Tribunal? Less than 20% of MR are successful.
  • Jonnya
    Jonnya Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    Not yet unfortunately in hospital at mo bitfor all I dont have the will power itappears tone more to prove a point , ifeel ihave enuf to on bit the level of stress and axiety says I cant deal with it anymore , even at man recon the dwp picked the bones out yet missed my points yet again , I feel pro activelly discriminated against and totally deceived, would I lose the little award I already have if ilostagain .thanx its gud tp talk 
  • jane1973
    jane1973 Online Community Member Posts: 175 Empowering
    @Jonnya good evening are you still in hospital? My spelling on here is terrible, your story is very similar to mine, I had a nurse and she too made up things on my report which in turn lost all my pip and I as you will appeal and appeal ; hope you are better soon 

  • jane1973
    jane1973 Online Community Member Posts: 175 Empowering
    Well about as better as you can be lol I hate people saying that to me ? sorry
  • Saracen
    Saracen Online Community Member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Hi jonnya
    I am so sorry to hear about the way u have been treated by a so called nurse (got to watch what im saying as you are in hospital dont want to upset them hehe) but no seriously did you seek any help through the pip application and MR with cab or support organisation because I suffer with terrible anxiety and deppression and found CAB and this forum to be priceless they made me feel human again and the support was amazing and between them helped me so much .
    I so can understand what your are going through at this extremly awful time for you and my thoughts are with you and your family , If you didnt use CAB then could one of your family or friends contact CAB  for some advice or im am sure there ii one of the scope advisors here that would help as I said the best thing I ever done was join this site and go to cab but im sorry to keep on Jonnya I hope this will help you in some all way and keep your chin up there are people that will help and good luck and a speedy recovery after your operation . 
    Also get a copy of the assessors report this will give you some idea of how she scored you so will know exactly what she as said it will help when you appeal.
  • Cazann
    Cazann Online Community Member Posts: 83 Empowering
    Jonnya said:
    Not yet unfortunately in hospital at mo bitfor all I dont have the will power itappears tone more to prove a point , ifeel ihave enuf to on bit the level of stress and axiety says I cant deal with it anymore , even at man recon the dwp picked the bones out yet missed my points yet again , I feel pro activelly discriminated against and totally deceived, would I lose the little award I already have if ilostagain .thanx its gud tp talk 
    Hi @jonnya. Please don't get stresed over this. Appeal this as soon as you are well and out of hospital. I have been through this and I'm appealing to tribunal. Just waiting for a date. I too was shocked at the result of my face to face meeting with a so called medical expert. You are not alone, as many people have had the same outcome. This whole PIP asessment needs looking at..it is a mess!

    Good luck and get well soon.x