Such a small gap between awards

Saracen Community member Posts: 66 Empowering
I had a docs appointment today she asked how things were going with pip claim I told her it was so stressfull thats why I made the appointment finding it difficult to cope with the waiting and asked dwp when I phoned last week does the next review if I am successful go from the date of decision or the date of applying, she from the date of applying, so I said you are telling me that if I get award then with they decision time and the year before its up I could have to go through all of this again in 6 months she said yes im sorry .
Do they realise I have had 6 months of hell going through this and still waiting so I told her when I am reviewed in 6 months be prepared  I found it extremely difficult on this one god help me on the next one .  I really feel for all of you fellow claimants this is a like we are on trial and waiting for sentencing. Please except my apology for the ranting but a genuine good luck and best wishes to all of u on here and thank you scope you give me hope .

Im a poet and didn't know it 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    PIP reviews are done 1 year before the award is due to end, so if your PIP award ends in December 2019 your review would be December 2018.

    When the decision is made, if successful and you're awarded again then there's a new award date given from the date of decision. If you're given a higher award then there will be no backdated money, your new award starts from the date of the decision.  If you're not successful your money will stop 4 weeks after the decision is made.

  • Saracen
    Saracen Community member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Thank you poppy I was just confused as I have never had a review as this was my first one . I asked because the advisor from dwp said if I had an higher award then it would be back dated to when they sent me the forms on april the fourth and I asked because a relative of mine was on pip standard care and as recently as two weeks ago got awarded enhanced care and standard mobility and he a back payment and was told it was the standard mobility and the defecit on his enhanced but I haven't seen is award letter so I wouldnt swear by it but cant understand the dwp advisor sayin that to me she obviously needs more training lol
    Thank you again poppy for replying.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    Since I was 65 I have had 3 PIP assessments and all were for 3 years. But as they knock off the last year the award period is for two years. Like you said if it takes say 6 months to eventually get an award after fighting a MR you end up with the balance of 18 months before the whole thing starts again.

    I gave up after the third rejection.
  • Saracen
    Saracen Community member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Thank you yadnad 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    When reporting a change of circumstances for a worsening condition, if the award is higher than the previous award then money is backdated to the date the changes were reported. Different to reviews.
  • Saracen
    Saracen Community member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Sorry to be a pain poppy they sent me a review letter in april asking had my condition changed I now have severe problem s with my legs and moving which were only mild 3 years ago thats why cab told me it was a change in my conditon sorry to be so vague but when I claimed 3 years ago it was for my deppression and anxiety. Sorry  so confused  .

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    That's a review because they sent you a form. There won't be any money backdated. A higher award will mean payments will start form when the decision is made.  Reporting a change of circumstances means you ring DWP to report them and they send you more forms.
  • Saracen
    Saracen Community member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Ok thank you so much poppy