Intrathecal baclofen for a 5 year old child?

speedy1 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited September 2018 in Families and carers
Wondering if anyone has experience of intrathecal baclofen in 5 year old children. 


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Hi @speedy1
    Welcome to the community! Please forgive me as I've not heard of this before, would you mind explaining about it a bit more?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @speedy1 and welcome to the community! I take oral baclofen but have no experience of intrathecal. Please bare in mind that we are not professionals and the end advice should be from someone who is trained :) I hope you can find others who have experiences.
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,690 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Hi @speedy1
    Thanks for your post. Here is some information about Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy. If I can help further let me know.