My 17 year old son and social services

Piglets12 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Contributor
The school let him down. At 15 he was dinosed with hypermobility dyslexia autism spectrum disorder sensory prossesing and social anxity. He was billed so much the achol have him 2 hours a days a week home schooling. No exams taken. He started to isolate more use his pip for take outs. So I got SS in he had a support worker 6 weeks. They left. I tried again and the support worker left. Now 17 my money stopped with UC and child benifit. So I and my support worker went in job center and did a online form. My son won't speak on a phone. I am just 3rd party with pip mainly to talk on phone. I need support as I also autisic. The social services say the closed his case and adult care will pick up at 18 after Christmas. He does nothing now and I hardly see him always in his room sleeping playing games and eats take outs. Don't shower nothing. I worry the next few months depression will set in if not helpped. He needs support in the right areas to have a life. I do I get support full pip and a mobility car I not pushed to work and get support I do acivities. Why they no help between 16 and 18? I don't get it. No disibty team will pick up on it due to no educational plan In place.