
thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
does anyone know of any charties or organisations that can help to fill in your pip forms,would be very helpful if they would come out to the house.


  • dignifieddoll
    dignifieddoll Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    iknow  of one you have same in  your town its called DISK in mine disability  information service kent you may similar  inyour town depending where you live they are very helpful or you could try and google 
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    iknow  of one you have same in  your town its called DISK in mine disability  information service kent you may similar  inyour town depending where you live they are very helpful or you could try and google 
    Disability Information Service in Kent.- based in Folkestone - run by two guys?
    Travelled down there once but I won't say anything more as I might be banned on this site.
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    I’m not sure for here in Northern Ireland who can actually help, looks like I just have to get on with it.
  • dignifieddoll
    dignifieddoll Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    Good luck with it googling is how i found them give it ago you never know
  • Matilda
    Matilda Community member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    Disabilty  Rights UK site has a good guide to completing PIP forms including a draft diary you can adapt.  Good idea to submit a 7 day diary with your PIP application.

    Do you not have CAB or similar, or local authority welfare rights in Northern Ireland?
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
     hi Matilda, I have spoke to cab this morning & they said as soon as my pip2 form comes in they will certainly help me, so in the meantime i’m Getting in touch with my doctor again for my medical evidence. Thanks everyone for your help.
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    This  whole process is extremely stressful & that’s not helping people’s problems.
  • shell73
    shell73 Community member Posts: 56 Connected
    Yes it is I applied last July and it has now been referred back to the first tier tribunal 
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
     oh my goodness, that is so long, cannot believe it’s taken that long. This is making people ill. I do not know how they can justify that length of time.
  • shell73
    shell73 Community member Posts: 56 Connected
    Yes it is that's what I thought and now I have to wait for another tribunal 
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    Good luck & i hope you don’t wait too long, this is inhumain what they are doing to people. I have just rang & started the first process of my pip & I feel extremely stressed, the horror stories I have read are very worrying.
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    Hi weaver, that was a quick decision . Did you have to go to a medical assessment? 
  • janekim96P
    janekim96P Community member Posts: 44 Contributor
    Hi Thor how lucky were you eh wish we could all have quick results it's the waiting that makes me and lot's of other people ill.
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    Hi weaver, I am seeing cab when my forms come in & I am hoping that mine is all paper based & there’s enough info as my dla forms are being submitted aswell from my last assessment, if I have to go for assessment I really don’t know how I will cope. 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Good luck
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    Hi weaver, no it’s not mental health. I had an accident some years ago & injured my bk. then just a few wks ago I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis.
  • thor14
    thor14 Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    Hi weaver, thank you so much! I am dreading this whole process I cannot think of anything but how I am going to cope if I am put of & how I will pay people to do everyday things for me. Also if I lose my motability car which that’s the only thing that gives me a bit of independence.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    It can be a long and stressful process that's why you should try to get support if you can get it so you can have time to switch off from it. Good luck