Disabled Facilites Grant - over bath shower

Jurph Online Community Member Posts: 367 Empowering
Hello, not sure this is in the right place but I'm struggling to understand.

We have a small bathroom with a bath that I'm struggling to use. I live with my parents. They work, earn a livable wage but have no extra for luxuries.

I'm 30 and receive income related ESA (PIP denied and waiting for appeal date).

My council's Occupational Heath. Did an assessment and recommended an over bath shower (one you're supposed to sit under, not stand under)

A company called Family Mosaic took over from there but they apparently were taken over by Peabody.

They basically did everything - came round to check finances, got me and my parents (the official tenants) to sign lots of forms.

All was well, then I had 3 contractors come round and did quotes. All 3 suggested completely different things! I still don't know why it has to be a sit down shower - I actually find standing less of an issue.

I received a letter from Peabody today, the cheapest quote was £3200! I don't know a great deal about the building industry but I'm certain we could get a whole shiny new bathroom for that.

It also says my 'application for the DFG will now be sent to the council'. I'm certain this was done 6 months ago. I checked to confirm because there's no way this could be done if we had to pay.

The quotes I have been given don't detail anything - just the prices that include Peabody's fees. I didn't know about fees. They also state they'll choose the cheapest unless I pay for the difference. 

I feel like there's a con here somewhere. I don't feel comfortable with any of it. Not even the shower. It would be logical to just put a normal electric shower in over a bath. It would need to be moved to a different wall as there's a window above the bath but still simpler.

What should I do? Just accept it and end up with something we don't really want? Or get private quotes to challenge theirs?

I'm so confused by it all.

Thanks, Jurph.


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @Jurph
    I have moved your post to the Ask an OT category and hope @Jean_Scope may be able to help :)

  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    edited September 2018
    Hi @Jurph

    I't difficult for me to comment specifically on the points that you raise in relation to the costs as obviously I don't know how much work is necessary to fit the shower in your specific property. Without the quotes being itemised it would be difficult to compare them. 

    I can't see that there is any harm in you asking a different local company to come round to provide an itemised quote so that you can get a firmed up idea if the other quotes are inflated or not.

    If you can clearly evidence that the quotes are inflated you will then need to decide it you want to challenge that or not. Obviously, any challenge may lead to delays so if really is a personal decision for you.

    Similarly, with the issue of sitting shower verses standing shower. Really this comes down to what the OT assessed as being the most practical and reasonable means of meeting your assessed bathing needs. If you think they assessed your needs incorrectly or came to the wrong conclusion (i.e. there is a cheaper way to safely meet your assessed needs) then you have the option to challenge the decision.

    Best Wishes
  • Quinlan1
    Quinlan1 Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    Ok here in Norfolk you have to get 3 quotes which are sky high then it goes back to the council who then choose one and that’s the one you go for  then they say go and it goes ahead 
    have you got what we got here safe at home they in the councail and are great ring councail for advice