thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
Hello every body talk about cheats I use in my every day cooking and those shortcuts to make fabulous restaurant bistro meals to proud of eating.

Use many and why not all there to help those. Like all of us challenged and some simple meal ideas can help. My disability is never easy to deal with and my mental state have to decide and plan what I eat.

Thought share some of them to use and the results can be rewarding and satisfying.

Understand this is not rocket science what to fill the fridge and freezer and stores with. Not here to lecture but here as a advisor.


Anti Pasti Jars.  These are jars and sometimes packets of ingredients you use for putting on bread . Called Anti Pasti before the Pasta.  Can be used as variety of ways . Always in oil.

Use by me for instant Pasta ingredient, drained oil for dressings and frying.  I use Mushrooms, Sundried Tomatoes, Roasted Red Peppers.

The last two use in Pasta sauce . Blitz up with Pasta sauce for a different sauce.  In a blender.

Jars Pasta Sauce Useful in so many ways.  Blitz up with as above.  To stock make it go further .  As is Passata in cartons or bottles instant Tomato Soup any body?

Chillies, Ginger, Garlic done for you in Jars.  All useful as in any recipe.

Packets of To  Wok noodles, Microwave Rice all easy and in whole meal varieties and often already cooked for you.  Instant and easy just add warm through to the pot.

Pesto Chilli and Green varieties instant quick easy supper. Into drained hot pasta mix from the deli quick and easy.  Any Salami or anything similar.  Cooked Chicken


I tend to fill my freezer up with lots of diced vegetables and fruit already prepared and to cook with.

Name a fruit or vegetable you can get diced or chopped for ease and comfort.  

Main ones for me are the ones I use for Pasta Peppers, Zucchini, Mushrooms.  Add to that Butternut squash and lots of roots diced for you instant vegetable soup. Also Onions lot easier for me as well.

Always have usual Legumes.  Peas and Beans etc. Fruit Cherries and berries.  Instant puddings with ready made Pancakes . You can buy a ready to cook all done and to eat.


Usually buy instant soup packs all done for you. Fresh vegetables sliced and diced. Just add stock to cover.

Need some times to think smart  Chorizo diced and Bacon Lardons as well. Quick flavour hit for one pots.

Buy a cooked Chicken poach in the slow cooker. Also good to buy one already done. Shred into instant pasta and other simple meals. Soup and lots more.

Lots of these items are to be found in our supermarkets. Made easier by looking on line.

Hope this helps anybody.



  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Really helpful tips, thanks for sharing @thespiceman!
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    edited September 2018
    @thespiceman I'm sure your quite the chef in the kitchen, and these tips should go a long way in helping a good few many members. Well done?

    Not me though I have my food done for me as I don't or can't cook for safety reasons, I couldent organise a p up in a brewery????? let alone cook.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Government_needs_reform Thanks for kind words. Not really just some one who likes putting together food from.  Simple products.  All there to help.

    Get asked all the time by the lovely members of our community.

    Understand your dilemma. I do this you see but do respect you all and wish I could be all your personal chefs.

    Honey where's my Super suit. lol

    Used to be personal chef to a lot of our community one time long a go.  Who were friends and thought I was being a friend. A good Christian. Then realised upsetting now.

    Being used .  After all am like and was like them .

    I have fingers and hands issues. Plus mobility.

    So sorry you can not make something for yourself. I just I could help. Always supportive of our community.

    Thank you taking time to reading my post and pleasure to meet you.

    Take care


  • veriterc
    veriterc Online Community Member Posts: 250 Empowering
    If you live in London, there is a brilliant farm shop that delivers. They often have diced fresh vegetables, pies and recipe boxes - all of which have fresh ingredients.  And they only sell seasonal fruit and veg, so often have bargains when produce is in high season.  'My' farm shop is farm-direct.com.   
    Shortly moving to Oxford -does anyone know a good farm shop there that delivers?
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @veriterc Thanks for replying to my post.  I would suggest in answer to your question.

    Have a look on line but the options are also there for doing online shopping.

    Just signed up to TESCO. I know but I would have a look at what is available to suit you.

    Done quite a few shops on line. I know these farm shops deliver. 

    Hope that helps.

    Take care

  • veriterc
    veriterc Online Community Member Posts: 250 Empowering
    Many thanks for this.  I used to write for a trade food magazine, and am not too keen on supermarket fruit and veg. The less food miles the better, and although they are excellent at delivering, my last order from Ocado had tasteless tomatoes from Belgium,when Isle of Wight and Essex were growing excellent toms.  I am hoping when the current spats die down over EU etc. that British growers will be providing more produce - although this will cut down on Eurotunnel's business!   
    If anyone knows of a 'proper' farm shop in Oxfordshire that delivers,  would be keen to use them.  And am longing for English grown corn-on-the-cob and cob nuts - farm-direct used to provide both !
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Thanks for sharing @thespiceman- I love these posts!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited September 2018
    Hello @veriterc Thanks for sharing. I admit myself do not like supermarket veg do buy many types of frozen.

    Good as fresh.  Add to that have started buying fruit frozen berries and also add to that dried fruit. Especially Apples and Prunes great store cupboard stand by for an instant sweet.  Rehydrate hot water and cover.

    Only veg buy fresh is Solfritto  as my Italian friends call them Onions, Carrots and Celery. Use that fresh but straight into a sauce or Ragu .  Especially this time of year.

    From using that a loads of recipes using three veg.  Like that.

    Have in freezer right now this month Frozen Kale, Butternut Squash diced no waste. Add to that Zucchini and Peas, Green beans and Onions, plus Peppers.

    Berry mixes make my own buy separate fruit and mix together instant smoothie or cereal topper or with Cannoli.  Rolled up Pancakes filled with Icing sugar and Mascarpone or Ricotta plus berries. 

    I like a farm box but now am strapped for cash on benefits. So look forward to my on line shop each month and saving money.

    Best wishes to you.  Wish you success in finding what you need.

    If I can help with anything please ask.

    Like your previous occupation working for a trade magazine sounds interesting. Could be one to share.

    I know am food conscious and have the utmost respect for all our producers.

    Done lots of memorable things related to food always have.  You know picking Apples, fruit and living next door to Italians . Mushrooms picking in places all over the North no one knows it is a secret all that.

    Made Pasta with them and learnt a lot.   Have made all the time food for the freezer. All Italian dishes and recipes.

    Do Cucina Provera.

    Hope you take care. Lovely to talk to you.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Chloe_Scope Thanks very much always trying to help community members.

    Speak soon.

    More to come.

  • veriterc
    veriterc Online Community Member Posts: 250 Empowering
    thespiceman.  You taling about mushrooms reminded me I used to live next door to Brompton Cemetery, in Chelsea. At this time of year there used to be masses of people quietly slipping into the Cemetery in the early morning, gathering mushrooms.  It was all Chelsea's European colony:  Italians, French, Poles,Eastern Europeans. They would slip out with full baskets, but the English never knew what they'd missed!