Pip still haven’t received the assesors report a month onwards

Freddie84 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi I had my pip interview a month ago and two weeks ago the assesor rang me to ask me some more questions. I rang them today to ask if they had made a decision yet and for a copy of the assesors report and they said that they hadn’t even received the report yet and that it was highly unusual as they normally receive the report a few days after the assessment and that they would chase it up. My question is this how unusual is it for this to happen and is it normal for them to ring up and ask questions about you before they make a decision? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing

    It could have been chosen for audit, this can happen and if it does then it's chosen at random. There's nothing you can do about it and it does delay returning the report. There's no timescales to how long it can be in audit for but if you ring the health assessment providers if it has been sent to audit then they'll tell you. What they can't tell you though is how long it will take. They don't contact DWP to tell them it's been sent to audit that's why DWP wouldn't know. It happened to me twice. The 2nd time, the report was delayed almost 6 weeks being returned.
  • Freddie84
    Freddie84 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thanks what do they do when they send it to audit? The dwp said it might have been lost which is why it is taking so long and that they will contact the assesor to ask what’s going on. This is my first time applying for pip so it’s all new to me I doubt very much that I will get it as I don’t have any mobility problems but thought I’d try all the same 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    It means the quality of the assessment is being checked. See 3.4 of this link.

    You should contact the health assessment providers and ask if your report has been sent to audit because you rang DWP and they said it's not been returned. They will  tell you for sure, what's going on. Leave it to DWP and you could be waiting forever for them to chase it up because it happened to me. In the end i rang the health assessment providers myself.

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Freddie84 and a warm welcome to the community! I hope it isn't much longer that you have to wait!