Secondary school troubles- he's so unhappy

elaine01 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited October 2018 in Education and skills
Hi thank you for accepting me. I was just browsing as I am in the middle of a tribunal with the dwp and it's shocking that so many people are also going through the stress of it. 

I have a 12 year old son with learning difficulties and who was on an IEP, it appears that since he started secondary school September 2017 he has not been on a plan , although I was assured he would be. Feel so let down and trying to get anyone to discuss it with me at school is proving difficult too. I don't even think the senco lady at the school is aware of him.  I think he's slipped under the radar. Not sure where or what to do. It was the dwp that alerted me by rejecting his claim for the care component of the disability living allowance by saying that they don't think his learning difficulties are that much of a problem as he doesn't get any help at school! 

When he should be , so not sure where to start really. Has his grades have gone down and he's so unhappy at school as he doesn't understand any of lessons. Can't believe it has just come to light. Feel awful I didn't know. Any advice would be greatly received. I'm trying not to be a neurotic mother but it's becoming quite challenging. 
Thanks for listening 


  • gnmeads
    gnmeads Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 187 Empowering
    Hi elaine01 and welcome to the Scope community and sorry to hear about your problems.  I think you should be that neurotic mother and talk to the head teacher and tell them exactly what you think! If they don't do anything, ask to put in a formal complaint 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    You don’t ask you don’t get . Good luck 
  • KellyParentAdvisor
    KellyParentAdvisor Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Hi @elaine01

    Sadly, for those of us in your situation, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil! We have to be 'that' parent. So, email the school asking for a meeting with the SENCo and his head of year, and follow it up with a phone call to confirm. You need to know what is/isn't going on so write down your expectations; what do YOU think your son needs in terms of support at school? What do YOU need as a parent in terms of communication from the school and support? 

    I take it he doesn't have an EHCP? Do you think it's worth applying for one? 

    Let us know how you get on.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    The school may not have funding for your son because he only has an IEP. These were replaced with the EHCP. I had the same problem with my daughter when she started secondary school, she only had an IEP and i was told that there was no funding for her because this was all she had. They wouldn't agree to the EHCP because they told me she was just a "shy" girl. She struggle massively throughout secondary school.

    She's now at college and has just started her 2nd year. In the first year she's got her EHCP, an ASD diagnosis, learning disability and social anxiety disorder. Her EHCP now gives her full funding to receive 100% one 2 one support throughout her day, 4 days per week. When she started college last year, i was told without the EHCP then there would be no funding in place for her.

    I agree with the advice to speak to SENCO.

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    @KellyParentAdvisor can you help at all?
  • KellyParentAdvisor
    KellyParentAdvisor Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Sam_Scope said:
    @KellyParentAdvisor can you help at all?
    Already replied above Sam!  ;)
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Oops!!! Sorry!!  :#