Hi I'm melly

Melly76 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
I thought that I was the only person... Now nearly everyone I speak to knows someone that has Crohn's / colitis. It's crazy, the numbers are definitely wrong as there's sooooo many more of us than anyone knows! In fact...they don't actually know how many people have it, that's something we are hoping to get more involved with in the future but lots more talking before that happens boo!

Support goes a super long way! Look how much of a difference making friends that understand makes.

In our recent poll, the figures are like 85/90% of people responding have said they felt lonely or isolated. That's a whopping figure. So even though it might seem silly putting on social meet ups instead of putting every penny into research...turns out loneliness is a huge issue!
Well I'm sure you have a lot you can teach others, especially about resilience and the ability to keep going!
Take a moment to realise your strengths.....
Take a look at how you power forward through your pain.....
Give yourself credit for never falling at that first fence and getting up when you stumble at the third......

Be proud of how you handle your conditions....
You are incredible, resolute and bloody amazing.....

Surrender is not an option.....


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    This has made my day, thank you! You are fantastic too!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Melly76 Pleased to meet you welcome. Thank you first for joining and second being open and honest.

    Especially about your condition.  Understand how difficult it can be dealing with anything, whether disabling illness plus the loneliness.

    Sending a clear message to discuss these aspects of health conditions.  No one understand and thank you for saying that.

    I am one always been aware of the health of others. Concern and care. Have written extensively on the forum on trying to make diets and eating a sensible choice. Which I know from reading about Colitis is a condition not easy to tolerate.

    As the same for Crohns again the diagnosis for most people is getting better yet I know from reading the constant research is being all the time done.

    All I can add glad you joined and hope the community can support you. We are here to listen and am glad to have met you.

    Remember you are not alone . You have come to the right place.

    Please may I suggest have a look around our forum.  Talk about Specific conditions.

    Thank you for a positive post.

    Please take care

  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi again @Melly76, I responded to your other post here, but just wanted to wish you another warm welcome to the community!