Living with severe pain

MRSwomble61 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
I am in severe pain every day, my friends don't understand what it is like and want me to go out all the time. I am unable to get out because of stairs in my flat and because of this I am loosing so called friends  I am feeling very lonely and isolated  


  • MRSwomble61
    MRSwomble61 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    edited October 2018
    I am in severe pain every day, my friends don't understand what it is like and want me to go out all the time. I am unable to get out because of stairs in my flat and because of this I am loosing so called friends  I am feeling very lonely and isolated  
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Community member Posts: 116 Contributor
    It's very hard for people to understand I'm in the same position. I had very active lifestyle a couple of years ago involved in football. Due to arthritus I've had to finish this was my social life as well. Times I try to go watch but not to often even with pain relief. But sometimes my mental state will stop me going. Not many if any of my freinds understand what I'm going through.
    Take care do your best try to beet it like I do.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    I'm very sorry to hear this, could your friends come and visit you instead? 
  • easy
    easy Scope Member Posts: 682 Empowering
    Sounds good. Maybe you could have a games night if you like playing games,or just a natter if not.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    You find out who your real friends are when you become unwell. 
  • Tara2015
    Tara2015 Community member Posts: 23 Connected
    I think the worst thing is they can't take 5 mins to Google your illness to educate themselves I have active ra it's everywhere I mean everywhere but all I ever get is how's your foot because I walk with a limp and one's a high dependency nurse but when they have a cough they need a week in bed if they can't understand and make it work to see you then never mind them xx
  • mumjac
    mumjac Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Shame people don't realise this could happen to then one day and how would like it ,bus drivers annoy me ,I have a fold up scooter as it easier take on bus ,and i ask if they can put damp down,but they won't i h have to lift it up ,I say to them you will get old and in pain some day but just call on deaf ears 
  • MRSwomble61
    MRSwomble61 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I have asked my friends to come over and the answer is always no, we'd rather go out as its more fun