Pip mobility

babs33 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
hi I was wondering if anyone has had to change there mobility needs 
I scored 8 in my appeal and lost my car I wanted to let them no I now have diabetes type 2 and cold and fibromyalgia but am scared in case they take everything back the lost 4 points they can find my way about but I can’t I need help when I’m in my car  I’m never on my own don’t really no what to do 
thank you


  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Hello, the appeal tribunal does not take new evidence and can and do only review the evidence that was presented at your original PIP acessment, other may sujest that you make a new claim so new medical information can be included. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Do you mean you've had your Tribunal hearing and you were awarded Standard rate mobility? If you're waiting for your Tribunal hearing then they will only be able to take into consideration how your condition was when the original decision was made. To start a new claim when waiting for a Tribunal could be the worst thing you could do and you need to get further advice before doing this.

    If you've have your Tribunal decision and you're thinking about reporting a change of circumstances then you also need further advice before doing this. PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you daily. No one can tell you whether you risk losing the award you already have but reporting a change of circumstances means more forms and another face 2 face assessment. More evidence will also be needed to support your claim.