Pip assessment tomorrow



  • Raylee
    Raylee Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    I’m so sorry and disgusted on how this assessment is awful 
  • clivelate
    clivelate Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
    hi all.
    Another one here, who told the truth, and got no points.
    The report was full of rubbish and things i was meant to of said,w hich i never said and in some cases never even asked.

    One question do you use facebook, no i replied, im not interested in that, yet on the report, i use facebook, that is the kind of thing you are up against.

    However if you score 0 points it can be in some ways easier to make it futher, than if you say got 8 points, with 8 points least you got pip, no points you have nothing to lose in the case of points/reward.

    If you have a good GP most decsions are overturned anyway, all be it, the waiting is the worst thing, fight for what the law says you are entitled to.
  • Moaning
    Moaning Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    I found www.advicenow really helpfull to write my reconsideration and appeal letter