Problem neighbours

miilreef Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
edited October 2018 in Everyday life
Does anyone have problems with neighbours over the things you struggle to do because of disability.
We now struggle to keep on top of the garden chores because I simply can’t do what I used to. But it does all get done, just not instantly or perfectly like it used to be.
The green barrier between us and a neighbour is healthy with a nice selection of plants that I planted in better days. Night scented jasmine, honeysuckle, climbing roses and a butterfly bush. We have repeatedly said not to throw any clippings in our garden but again today the neighbour is yanking the plants over to their side of the fence and breaking them so they can hack them off and reduce the height. They did it in spring and virtually killed the jasmine. They then throw everything all over our garden. It’s all deciduous planting.
We have had many other problems with them and they always do this stuff when my husband is at work and I’m here on my own.


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Do you own privately or is it a council or housing association house?
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    This is awful @miilreef! Makes me angry how some people think they can do things like this. Don't worry, we will help you as much as we can :)
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Iv seen this lots of times.
    Police. Council none of them helped.
    In the end after 9 years the victims thumped the thug and the police turned on the victims. Cant win 
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    They can't just throw the clippings in, they're supposed to offer them back to you and you can take them or say they can just chuck them in their bin.
    So sorry that you live next door to ignorant and horrible people, i know what it's like having to put up with them.