Employment and support allowance tribunral

susie123 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
I wonder if anyone can help.me with a query. We have been waiting for a date for my husband's ESA tribunral hearing. Today it came and it's set for mid November. Only thing is two weeks ago my husband had a stroke. At present he has no use of his right arm, his walking is unsteady and his speech is effected. He has confusion due to the stroke. We have OTS coming in everyday. Exercise is. Having little effect. 
Will we still.have to go to tribunral? What happens if he can't talk? This a really worrying me .
Any advice will be greatly appreciated 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    I'm sorry to hear this. Yes he will still have to attend the hearing. The Tribunal will expect him to answer the questions himself rather then you do it for him because they will want him to tell them in his own words how his condition affects him.

    The Tribunal can't take into consideration a worsening of condition since the original decision was made, as awful as that sounds.

    Does he have a rep supporting him through this?
  • susie123
    susie123 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    No we don't know where to go for this  and can't afford to hire someone 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    As he doesn't have anyone then it's most likely too late now as he's already been given a date. I'm not sure what will happen if he's unable to speak during the hearing. Hopefully someone else will see this and advise you further but i do know that usually the panel won't allow the person with the claimant to speak for them.