Trans, non-binary and disablism - a double whammy of hate...

Transgender_Conduit Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited October 2018 in Relationships
Hi Everyone,
Just a heads up for people that should concern trans and non-binary people seeking treatment on the NHS in England and, probably, Wales.
NHS England has finally published its treatment guidelines

However, it's worrying concerns I raised in regard to the treatment of people with disabilities have not been heeded meaning, effectively, people with serious disabilities can, justifiably, be refused reassignment treatment by a Gender Identity Clinic.
Neither was the consultation fair e.g. there was never and, I doubt very much will ever be, an easy read version of any consultative document or the guidelines itself. Therefore, immediately, there is an issue regarding accessiblity of consultative documents.
Also the guidelines themselves are unfair. A good example of this is someone unable to communicate their wishes effectively could be refused treatment - e.g. someone requiring a translator. As can be imagined, this is likely to be a potentially racist policy as well. NHSE will suggest they have ensured that this potential discrimination is covered within its equality policy but, as has been seen recently, I doubt very much indeed it is fully. 
Furthermore, someone who has co-morbid severe mental health issues could be denied treatment. This is, already, happening as many trans and non-binary people locked into the mental health system are denied treatment for their gender issues as mental health services are reluctant to refer them for specialist assessment, no matter treatment.
A good deal of us able to cut through NHSE's hype have tried to stop such harmful treatment guidelines seeing the light of day. But have failed as we were unable to gain support from those with influence, which has made us vulnerable to attack and discrediting by NHSE attempting to force through their harmful policies unimpeded.
Because of this, I would like to ask what are Scope doing about discrimination against trans and non-binary people as far too many charities leave us utterly unsupported and vulnerable to such attacks.
