Hearing difficulty

debbiebush Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi I have two hearing aids but I cant wear them very much. Basically if your talking behind me I cant hear you. If we are in a noisy environment....even talking with background music is difficult to hear. If you put hands in front of mouth or look away whilst speaking I cant hear. Hearing aids just amplify the background noise which gives me headache and ear ache and makes tinitus worse. Do I have to live with not hearing 90% of whats said to me  is there something else I can do??


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,893 Championing
    Hi @debbiebush welcome to the community!

    I have the exact same problem, everything you describe is exactly what I've been experiencing for nearly 2 years. Consultants are still not sure what has caused it. Have you been like this your entire life?
  • debbiebush
    debbiebush Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Not all my life I dont think sometime during my early twenties it became noticeable watching tv has become a pain they constantly plY music while people speak. They ehisper and dont put in subtitles. 
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,893 Championing
    It is incredibly frustrating! It seemed strange that I began to lose my hearing shortly after being ill. 
  • dody
    dody Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    Ami2301 said:
    Hi @debbiebush welcome to the community!

    I have the exact same problem, everything you describe is exactly what I've been experiencing for nearly 2 years. Consultants are still not sure what has caused it. Have you been like this your entire life?
    Yes me too. Television is becoming even less geared towards hearing disabilities. Why do they need all the background music for heaven's sake. It drowns people's voices! My deafness first started at age 16 following a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. It's gotten worse over the years and is now rated as severe.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,893 Championing
    Do hearing aids work for you @dody?
  • dody
    dody Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    Partially. In a very quiet room they are ok. Any noise around me and I have real difficulty. I still have to have the tv turned up really loud unless the subtitles are on. I still cannot hear what's going on behind me even in a quiet situation, but they are better than nothing. I cringe when I see youngsters going around with iPods in their ears turned up loudly or going around in cars with the radio going at full blast so that the whole street can 'enjoy'  the 'music'/noise. I wish I could tell them of the misery they will probably suffer later with deafness - even tho mine didn't occur from that.  Keep having your aids adjusted to your hearing loss so that you reach a 'happy' medium x
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Community member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hi, debbiebush welcome OK I have travelled globally looking out for state of the art hearing aids part of my large companies that technology of the future brings. This applies to anyone who is having problems. The latest item you can go swimming in crowded rooms and you will find these are the Rolls Royce of hearing aids. They come in different colours and material and are the next generation of hearing aids.   Bone conduction headphones you can do so much with the item with such comfort They have a radio also fitted in programme your own music and you can Phone.      
  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Community member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    This could be a listeing disability, having problems processing waht you hear. This can be further complicated when living in communities that naturally have a rapid rate of speech, as you may not be able to proces the gaps between the words being spoken by others. amplification of what you hear, hearing aids, do not help, thye can make things worse by distorting the sounds you hear and process, Unfortunately there are not many UK audiologists trained and qualified to assess and clinically diagnose these issues, they are still decades behind research and only carry out the old standard hearing tests.