ESA tribunal won, now what?

So after over a year I finally had my tribunal on the 02/08/18 and was told at the time that I had won. But that was nearly 3 months ago and I haven’t heard anything since. No letters, no back payments nothing. How long does it normally take to hear from them once the tribunal has concluded? I feel like I have been waiting forever. Should I contact the DWP or the tribunals service? Any help or advice will be much appreciated. Thanks


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Hi @jeffasaurus110 welcome to the community!

    Congratulations on winning your tribunal! However I am sorry ghat you are still waiting. I am unsure of the waiting time for ESA but I am sure members of our community will be able to help and will be in contact with you soon! :)