ESA Tribunal tomorrow morning, any last minute advice?

BenjaminS9 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
Evening folks, judgement day (as it feels) is tomorrow morning and I am to put it politely metaphorically laying bricks if you get my gist. I've decided to take my girlfriend opposed to her mother into the hearing with me, seeing as she knows my conditions better than anyone and can add anything should it be necessary. 

I do have one question, what is the rough duration of the tribunal hearing? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,451 Championing
    edited November 2018

    Your girlfriend will not be able to speak for you. They will want to hear from you in your own words how your conditions affect you. They may ask her at the end if there's anything she wants to add but this doesn't always happen.

    The duration, will depend on your case. Each claimant is different. Good luck.
  • BenjaminS9
    BenjaminS9 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you Poppy, I understand she won't be able to speak for me, however anything I won't remember from what I understand I can ask the judge to anything else into consideration towards the end of the hearing. 

  • curiousmom1996
    curiousmom1996 Posts: 35 Contributor
    Hi there 

    Unfortunately the only one who can tell them is you. Tell them everything about how much your disability affects your ability to do things independently. Good luck!!
  • BenjaminS9
    BenjaminS9 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you both, tribunal went on longer than I expected (40 minutes) and got my decision in the post this morning. Been awarded WRA for 12 Months which should give me time to get some of the medical bits and bobs sorted. Thanks to all that offered their support and advice. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,451 Championing
    Great news. Do bare in mind that for ESA they can re-assess you at anytime. 12 months is just a guide.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    So pleased for you @BenjaminS9 - how are you getting on?
  • BenjaminS9
    BenjaminS9 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Sam_Scope said:
    So pleased for you @BenjaminS9 - how are you getting on?
    Thank you, I'm slowly getting there, I was awaiting a hospital appointment at the time of my tribunal and attended that last Thursday. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which makes a lot of sense. I was very surprised to see that ESA placed me in the support group, against the Judge's decision to place me in the work related activity group. 

    I'm not just awaiting an appointment with the physio team to begin a plan for graded exercise. Thanks for the check in. :)