Palliative Care doctor visit today

cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering

Was just horrid. He was condescending, asked me if I wanted a brain probe the at might kill the pain - or leave me dead or brain dead. Other medications he went over result in heart failure or death.

Recommended medical marijuana, guardedly.

And asked me "What is it like to live a miserable life like yours?"

Cold, not one shred of compassion. I came home in tears and still am crying.


  • Gwendoline1
    Gwendoline1 Online Community Member Posts: 212 Empowering
    Hiya cracker, 
    What an horrendous doctor. I’m so so sorry you had to go through that.
    The mind boggles, when he/ she are in a caring ( !!! ) profession yet their hearts are like stone. I really can’t understand it.
    Try not to get upset, I know that’s easier said than done.
    People like that are not worth filling your mind space.
    Build your strength back up with the kind,loving people around you. Don’t think no more of that horrendous excuse of an human.
    Take care of yourself. Sometimes when I get to overwhelmed, maybe someone upset me when I’m out.
    When I get home I’ll listen to some lovely music or put a nice program on. Since having to use a wheelchair all the time when I’m out, I didn’t realise I’d become so interesting. People just don’t think!
    A doctor is another thing ! Have a lovely day, try not to think anymore of that waste of space.???
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Oh that sounds awful, Im so sorry :(
  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    THank you for your responses. I saw my counselor today and we talked about it. I am going to file a formal complaint with the hospital and he will be disciplined.

    I came home shaking. Now that I hear your words - no, he isn't worth even thinking about.
  • Gwendoline1
    Gwendoline1 Online Community Member Posts: 212 Empowering
    Morning cracker,
    Im so glad you’re feeling more positive. So you should make a complaint, no one as the right to behave or act in the manner that your doctor did. I get so annoyed with rude people, especially when they are in a position of responsibility.
    Anyway no more mind space for that person.
    Try and enjoy today ,if you are feeling up to it do at least one nice thing for yourself. 
    I love Christmas, I always have. So today I’m going to put the music channel on and listen to some Christmas songs. Not to many or it will drive my husband round the bend hahaha.
    Keep smiling! Take care ???
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,701 Cerebral Palsy Network
    I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I really think you should make a complaint if you are strong enough to do it. Sending you best wishes.

  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    edited November 2018
    Glad you experienced this, @hike3highessca. I think many older, single,  poor women with psychiatric histories are just dismissed.