Hooley101 Community member Posts: 15 Connected
Hi all 
Just a quick update from my previous texts.  To recap I had my PIP stopped by letter it said  a doubt had arisen regarding my health conditions the letter said I had no right of appeal.  However I went to the CAB who were nice but didn't know what to do.  Then I decided to email my MP he wrote me back saying he would support me and emailed a resolution manager in the DWP later she emailed him saying my case was in a que on someones desk but I could send in evidence at any time.  My MP forwarded the email and I emailed her directly.  I received a response by post the DWP manager advising that she couldn't email me back as the link was not secure but my case was being dealt with and I could send in evidence at any time.  I spent ages sifting through evidence of my conditions and sent it all in by post.  When I arrived home from the post office there was a brown envelope in the door my heart sank  when I opened it it was as suspected from the DWP advising they were restating my PIP! They hadn't even received the evidence! No explanation of why they stopped it at all! My money was to be back dated from the date they stopped it!  I suspect maybe my MP pushed them along a bit.  I wondered what others thought of this ordeal?  Have a good day all the sun is out x


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Really glad to hear this, @Hooley101!
  • affii1993
    affii1993 Community member Posts: 103 Contributor
    @Hooley101 hope you well great news, I have getting pip 2013 and recent f2f assessment in 2018 it was stopped, you can find my story in recent anyways my mp Labour Party refused to help and forwarded CAB which I tried and wasn’t available due to many people and was only opened 3 hours a week for three days I was devastated but I will email her back saying I own my tribunal and thank for no help