RA and dropping things

cracker Community member Posts: 322 Empowering
I just asked this of @glittery, but would like more feedback from others. I have RA and OA, and drop things a lot. I have much trouble handling money, bills and coins alike because they are so small, am forever dropping m oney

Anyone else?


  • glittery
    glittery Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Yes I do I have to spill my purse out on counter in shops for help with coins @cracker. As I have neurology also so my fingers get numb and tingling 
  • cracker
    cracker Community member Posts: 322 Empowering
    I am relieved, sorry you have this problem, too, @glittery. I read once that not being able to handle money was an early sign of dementia, and have been troubled by that. Now that I know I am not losing my mind, I feel much better.
  • glittery
    glittery Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Awe bless you..you can still count money ? Then you not being able to get coins or notes out is I found mine oestoarthritis and nerve endings in my fingers. I loose sensation now typing this reply to you . The numbness is annoying me the most .
  • cracker
    cracker Community member Posts: 322 Empowering
    Annoying is right. I try to put the bills in neat order. end up just having a crumpled up ball which I give to my aide to hold for me.

    Typing is so difficult, too. When my thumb joints displace, it's impossible until I get the joint back together.

    So good to have your understanding, thank you.