
Bluechris05 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
Hello again everyone 
well I wanted to let you know that I had my Pip looked at  again waited over 6 weeks for a reply and  still They haven’t put it back up I’m on low rate which before I was getting Enchanted rate. I Also had the car but had to give that back my life has been turned up side down I can not walk without getting short of breath I suffer with copd.. depression also that don’t help. Two appointments I’ve had with the Doctor and both times by the time I got into the Doctors They have had to put me on Nebuliser because I couldn’t breath second time they called an ambulance to take me to Hospital I just don’t know what to do I’m going to appeal now but I just wanted to know is it worth doing has anyone else had this done to them please let me know Thanks everybody. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,449 Championing

    Only 18% of MR decisions change, so most people have to take it to Tribunal. Appearing in person will give you the best chance of a decision going in your favour.

    You now have 28 days to request the Tribunal by filling out the SSCS1 form. Waiting times for hearings in a lot of areas are huge and some are waiting a year so don't expect it to be a quick process.

    I'd advise getting help from either welfare rights or a law centre. Good luck.
  • clp
    clp Community member Posts: 39 Connected
    As part of your evidence include your latest spirometry report - this should show your level of breathlessness and again should be available from your GP.  It then becomes medical evidence and not anecdotal though your breathlessness is the same.